- 江湖新手必備,《寸心之爭》江湖簡易攻略
- 新手必讀,《破雪刃》秘寶獲取方法及作用
- 探秘江湖新境,《劍網(wǎng)3》刀宗宗門位置介紹
- 揭秘守護者,《異象回聲》卡羅萊娜技能介紹
- 新手必看,《心動小鎮(zhèn)》載具獲取攻略
- 游戲攻略指南,《破雪刃》神州錄玩法介紹
- 《太古仙尊》威望獲取方法
- 全新更新揭秘,《星露谷物語》沙漠節(jié)日問題答案大全
- 快速提升效率,《光遇》燭火收集最快掛機點
- 初識新境,《寸心之爭》游戲簡單玩法評價
The Blade of Steel in "The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III" is a weapon that many gamers are still unaware of its existence. Below, we have provided an introduction to this weapon, hoping it will be helpful to those who are interested.
The basic attack power of this weapon is 162, with an additional 8% parry chance, allowing it to block an attack during a蓄力 (蓄力 is a special attack that builds up power before being released). The蓄力 attack itself is a charged attack in a single direction, dealing damage to enemies, and has a polybid (多段) effect, which means it can target multiple enemies simultaneously.
The Lion Core羈絆 (link) of this weapon increases the player's physical damage dealt and reduces physical damage received.
Acquisition Methods
The method of obtaining this weapon is quite simple. You can defeat monsters in the dungeon or open Blue Sapphire weapons boxes to have a chance of obtaining it.
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