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tropical fruit "Dragon's Blood" is paired with which fruit as "cousin from distant relatives" in the螞蟻莊園 game? This is a daily question on the螞蟻莊園 platform, and the correct answer will give you 180g of feed. You can feed the chicken with the feed. The螞蟻莊園 answer for March 10, 2025 is【Lime】. Dragon's Blood and lime belong to the same family (sapindaceae), making them "cousins from distant relatives".
>>>> newest answers of螞蟻莊園 questions on螞蟻新村, March 2025
>>>> answers to today's questions in the magical ocean,螞蟻莊園, March 2025
Question: tropical fruit "Dragon's Blood" is paired with which fruit as "cousin from distant relatives"?
Correct Answer: Lime
Answer Explanation:
Dragon's Blood and lime belong to the same family (sapindaceae), making them "cousin from distant relatives".
Although they look and taste different, their flesh is soft, juicy, and sweet.
Dragon's Blood: covered with fine, soft hairs on the skin, semi-transparent flesh with aQ彈 texture and a faint奶香味.
Dragon's Blood and lime belong to the same family (sapindaceae), making them "cousin from distant relatives".
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