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Man Utd boss Rlege accepts interview with BBC, commenting on the club's ongoing obligation to settle the fees of players he previously signed, notably stating that £17 million remains due for summer signing Jude Bellingham.
Rlege said: "Looking at the players we're going to buy this summer, which includes those who haven't been bought out yet—Antonio, Casemiro, Onana, Hoyle, and Jude Bellingham. Regardless of our feelings about it, we've already taken on these players and now have to deal with them."
"Take Jude Bellingham, for instance, who we're paying half his wages, and next summer we'll need to pay another £17 million to buy him. We have to give him time to transition from where he was to where he's going to be."
BBC reporter: "You mentioned taking on players like Antonio, didn't you? Are you implying they're not good enough?"
Rlege: "No, I'm not saying that. I'm saying..." (The reporter interrupted) "Or are you saying they're overpaid? What exactly are you trying to get at?"
Rlege: "Some players aren't good enough, some are overpaid. But we still have to build a team that's entirely under our control. We're still in the process of moving forward from where we were. There are still great players in the squad, like our captain, who is a top-class player, and we obviously need Bruno to be here because he's a fantastic footballer. Without him, it would be a nightmare."
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