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The "藍色幽靈"登上了月球
On March 2, the private enterprise "螢火蟲" aerospace company formally announced that its lunar lander "藍色幽靈" successfully landed on the moon's surface that day. This achievement marked the company's historic milestone as the first commercial entity to achieve fully successful lunar soft landing.
According to《科技日報》 on March 3, the company's official website reported that "藍色幽靈" was successfully landed at 2:34 AM (Beijing time) on the moon's northeastern "危海" region. This landing occurred approximately 450 million kilometers from Earth.
Approximately 40 minutes after landing, the lunar lander transmitted the first images captured on the moon's surface. Over the next 14 days, "藍色幽靈" will conduct 10 NASA scientific experiments. These will explore the moon's regolith, study the effects of solar wind and Earth's magnetic field, and deploy a laser reflector array to measure the moon's distance from Earth. On the 16th day, the lander will capture high-resolution images of a total solar eclipse visible from Earth when the moon is behind the planet.
Following the successful landing, the "螢火蟲" company celebrated in its Texas headquarters. This achievement contrasts sharply with the company's earlier private lunar landing mission in February 2024, which also occurred in Texas. That mission, while groundbreaking, suffered from a side翻 of its landing module, diminishing its significance.
The project manager of "藍色幽靈" stated that the lunar lander achieved pinpoint landing, with the final landing site only 100 meters away from the target. She emphasized that "藍色幽靈" executed two obstacle-avoidance maneuvers during descent, confirming that its software functioned as planned.
Unlike Earth, the moon lacks an atmosphere, making landing a unique challenge. The spacecraft must rely on precise thruster control to decelerate and land safely in complex terrain.
The "藍色幽靈" lunar lander, measuring about the size of a rhinoceros, was launched on March 15 via SpaceX's獵鷹9號 rocket. Over 450 million kilometers, it captured stunning images of both Earth and the moon. The probe carried 10 scientific instruments, including a regolith sampler, an anti-radiation computer, and a global positioning system (GPS) experiment for the moon.
Initial images from the lander revealed that during descent, the probe autonomously navigated challenging terrain featuring numerous craters, gradually reducing speed from thousands of kilometers per hour to just 3.2 kilometers per hour upon touchdown.
Following the lunar landing, the "螢火蟲" company issued a statement declaring that "this small step on the moon represents a significant milestone in commercial space exploration."
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