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According to a major report published in November 2022 in *The Lancet* (The Lancet), titled "China's Road to Healthy Aging: findings from Peking University and The Lancet Collaboration," China has entered the era of population aging and the process of further aging will continue to advance rapidly. In 2021, China's population aged 65 and older accounted for 14.2%, which means that the proportion of the elderly population in China doubled in just 21 years. The ratio of elderly persons (65 and older) to working-age adults (20-64 years) is projected to rise from 0.18 in 2019 to 0.55 by 2050, a doubling of the burden.
Aging population has become a global issue. Many countries have attempted to extend working life by delaying the retirement age, in an effort to alleviate the burden of an aging population. According to a paper published in *Science China Life Sciences*, Chinese scientists predict that 2023 to 2029, the age at which people begin receiving pensions in the UK, Germany, and France will be raised to 67. In 2021, the Chinese government published the *"十四五" National Development and Social Security Service Action Plan*, which proposed that the state will implement an incremental approach to delay the formal retirement age in the coming years.
The article points out a significant concern related to raising pensions age: "A major issue associated with raising pensions age is whether working longer, whether formally or informally, is fair or feasible. People may differ in various social demographic characteristics, such as residence, education, and occupation. As they age, these factors will influence their health status and ability to work." the article states.
The article argues that "a one-size-fits-all approach may not be an effective way to extend working life, a realization that policy-makers need to recognize." To achieve social fairness, the article suggests that the rural social security system should be improved, with particular attention paid to the main health status of vulnerable groups in rural areas. Health-promoting plans should also be tailored for these groups. For high-income individuals and employees in urban areas, the article suggests that incremental retirement plans, fair hiring practices, and flexible work arrangements should be implemented to create a favorable work environment.
The article also highlights the importance of comprehensive public health planning to reduce the impact of chronic diseases, such as hypertension and arthritis, on participation in work. Given that different professions face varying risks of chronic diseases, the article suggests that occupational health policies should be tailored to specific groups.
For reference:
1. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41591-024-03184-3
2. https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(22)01546-X/fulltext
3. https://www.gov.cn/zhengce/content/2022-02/21/content_5674844.htm
4. https://charls.pku.edu.cn/
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