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在《怪物獵人:荒野》中,武器的裝 equipping plays a crucial role in determining the character's combat effectiveness. However, many players are unaware of the optimal build for the "暴力弓" (Violent Bow). The recommended build is as follows: 5 weakness, 3 strong shot, 5 chain attack, 3 over心, 3 heart strike, and 3 heart hit. When paired with the "狂龍狀態(tài)" (Dragon King State), this build becomes nearly unbeatable. A single shot can deal an impressive 150 damage.
① 5 weakness, 3 strong shot, 3 over心, 3 heart strike, 3 heart hit, paired with the "狂龍狀態(tài)" (Dragon King State) and a single shot dealing 150 damage.
② 4 special tactics, 2恢復(fù)回力 (healing) can significantly enhance your hunter's續(xù)航能力. If your hunter's endurance is maxed out, it suggests that your output is underwhelming.
③ However, if you have 2槽 (2 slots) of "早氣" (flame attack), you can replace the "破壞王" (Destruction Dragon) with "破壞王珠子" (Destruction Dragon gem). This modification will improve the proximity of the "暴力" (Violent Dragon) effect, making it more effective against fast-paced bosses.
④ This build is versatile and can be adapted to any weapon type. For example, you can use "破壞王" (Destruction Dragon) to enhance the "暴力" (Violent Dragon) effect, allowing for more flexible builds.
⑤ This build is ideal for survival-oriented scenarios. It effectively reduces your survival chance, so consider equipping it alongside a "精靈輔助" (精靈輔助龍, Elemental Support Dragon) for optimal performance.
⑥ ⑤ This build is not recommended for survival scenarios. It essentially provides no survival, so pair it with a "護(hù)心龍" (Guardian Dragon) and a "手法龍" (Handmau Dragon) for the ultimate challenge, but only if you fully understand how to use the boss.