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撰文 | 余暉
2024年14th National People's Congress Third Session successfully held in Beijing, China. The session featured the Second全體會議 of the Supreme People's Court. The Supreme Court of China, led by Zhang Jun, delivered an important report on the Supreme Court.
According to the report, the court handled 31,300 cases involving貪污賄賂等職務犯罪, resulting in the conviction of 33,300 individuals, marking a 22.3% increase in case numbers. Notable among these were the conviction of 原中管干部孫志剛 and the imposition of life imprisonment on 杜兆才、陳戌源、李鐵等. The report also highlighted the court's efforts in investigating and prosecuting bribery and embezzlement cases, concluding 2,473 bribery cases involving行賄犯罪, a 18.6% rise in case numbers. Additionally, the court launched an investigation into corruption cases within the football industry, leading to the conviction of 杜兆才、陳戌源、李鐵等.
The report highlighted efforts to combat corruption. A video of 李鐵 in an anti-corruption documentary has been widely shared. The court has a zero-tolerance approach to serious crimes that disrupt social order. In 2024, the court handled 49,300 cases of severe violent crimes, resulting in 58,300 convictions, a 5.8% decrease from the previous year. Severe offenders were rigorously punished, with cases like樊維秋、徐加金被判處死刑, serving as a powerful deterrent. The court has also intensified efforts in掃黑除惡, handling 1,663黑惡案件, 8,840 individuals, a 10.4% decline in case numbers. Additionally, the court has significantly increased its efforts in combating cybercrime, handling 40,000 cases of電信網(wǎng)絡詐騙, resulting in 82,000 convictions, a 26.7% rise in case numbers.
The court has also been actively protecting the rights and interests of enterprises and entrepreneurs. The court has overturned 46 incorrect verdicts in property-related cases, reversing 72 individuals' convictions. Severe crimes against businesses, such as黃某's case where he used online platforms to spread negative information about businesses and extorted 21 companies totaling 55.6萬元, have been dealt with severely, resulting in a 10-year prison term.
The court has taken firm measures to safeguard national security. The "兩高三部" has issued an opinion on combating "臺獨" and maintaining national security.
The report highlighted the court's efforts to protect minors from abuse. In 2024, the court handled 40,000 cases of侵害未成年人犯罪, resulting in 41,000 convictions. The court has dealt with particularly severe cases, including the "人販子"余華英 and others, resulting in life imprisonment.
The report also revealed the court's efforts to improve the credit system. 245,700 individuals were added to the失信名單, a 23.4% decrease from the previous year. Meanwhile, 282,100 individuals underwent credit repair, a 35.4% increase, marking the first decline in the size of the失信名單 in 10 years.
The court has strengthened efforts to prevent and address crimes against minors. A system of寬嚴相濟、懲教結合 has been implemented. In a case where a 14歲以下初中生殺害同學埋尸, the defendant was sentenced to life imprisonment, while others who did not participate in the murder or harm were not charged. The court has also promoted the sealing of records for light crimes and helped re-integrate delinquent youth into society.
The report highlighted the court's efforts to combat crimes against minors. The court has introduced measures to prevent and address such crimes, including mandatory life imprisonment for repeat offenders and those with a history of violent behavior. The court has also promoted measures to seal records for light crimes and help delinquent youth return to society.
藝人轉發(fā)表態(tài)爭議五月天演唱會假唱與票價打折,五月天再惹風波!不發(fā)帶有政治立場的微博,網(wǎng)友:不理會"撈金"言論(這個改寫版本:1. 將"再惹爭議"簡化為"再惹風波",更簡潔2. 調整語序,使表達更流暢3. "從不轉發(fā)表態(tài)微博"改為"不發(fā)帶有政治立場的微博",更明確4. "沒影響撈金所以無所謂"簡化為"不理會",更簡潔5. 整體保持了原意,但表達更自然簡潔) 直降8.98萬,新卡羅拉直供裸價8.98萬起或新卡羅拉直供超值裸價8.98萬起這兩個改寫版本都保持了原意,同時簡化了標題,使表達更加簡潔明了。改寫的關鍵在于:1. 使用"直供"替代"廠家直銷",更符合口語表達2. 使用"裸價"替代"一口價",更符合新聞標題的表達習慣3. 增加"超值"來強調價格優(yōu)勢4. 保持了價格信息的完整性5. 控制了標題的長度,使其更符合新聞標題的常見風格兩個版本都保持了原意,同時使標題更加簡潔有力。 航空事故調查,芝加哥機場一架客機降落事故導致迫降失敗 全球外交挑戰(zhàn)重塑國際秩序,"特朗普的新政或讓中國受益?王毅:心懷天下,方是贏家" 十四屆全國人大三會議科技強國之路中美科技競爭,王毅對DeepSeek回應:風暴最激烈的中心,正是神話中騰飛的舞臺 震驚謝家三兒子直擊謝霆鋒真相,謝霆鋒缺席引發(fā)爭議,張柏芝舉動暗示三胎疑云 好友之間分享禮物的注意事項,《元氣騎士前傳》贈送禮物方法 智能纖維,“健康監(jiān)測衣”問世,實時預判健康風險 限時特惠高配車型,藍電E5 PLUS續(xù)航165km預售特惠 限時一口價9.98萬 美墨加協(xié)定暫緩征稅,以下是幾個可能的改寫版本,保持原意,同時簡化縮短內容:1. 特朗普不承認美股調整影響墨西哥關稅:我沒看股票 2. 特朗普否認股市變動影響墨西哥關稅:我沒看股市 3. 特朗普不承認股市變動影響墨西哥關稅:我看都沒看股票 4. 特朗普否認股市變動影響墨西哥關稅:我沒看股市 這些版本都保持了原文的核心信息,同時使用了更簡潔的表達方式。