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To commemorate the 50th anniversary of the People's Liberation Army Air Force's Founding and the 88th anniversary of the Thai Air Force, the Chinese Air Force's 81st Aerobic Demonstration Team was invited to participate in the aerobatic performances in Thailand. During the opening act, six殲-10C fighter jets demonstrated impressive acrobatics in the sky, showcasing the remarkable capabilities of China's air force.
Upon arrival at the Longman airport, the six殲-10C jets were neatly arranged in formation as preparation for the performance. Upon receiving instructions, the jets quickly reorganized and launched their impressive display, setting the stage for a spectacular air show.
The aerobatic demonstration featured a series of intricate maneuvers, including a sweeping roll, a double loop, a barrel roll, a roll loop, and a horizontal fan formation. Over the course of more than 20 minutes, the team executed 22 expert maneuvers seamlessly, with the formation flying in perfect unison, creating an unforgettable visual spectacle for the audience.
This will be the second time the 81st Aerobic Demonstration Team has showcased its performance in Thailand, following their debut in 2015.
Editing: Zhang Botian
對話與和解,想與特朗普和解?美媒:斯塔默馬克龍建議澤連斯基 探索未來,全國政協(xié)委員丁洪:興趣是最大的驅動力 白酒基金遭遇市場寒潮,招商基金困守白酒醫(yī)藥 破爛飛機攻略,《瘋狂梗傳》神裝備讓機票價格被壓低通關技巧 比亞迪超快充新突破,比亞迪又一“超級”產品曝光 首次登月成功,美私營企業(yè)首月球著陸器"藍色幽靈"距預定著陸點僅百米說明:1. 去除"美",因為標題中的國家名稱通常會直接提到2. "著陸器"簡化為"著陸器"3. "藍色幽靈"專有名詞保留4. "成功登月"改為"首次成功著陸",更準確5. "落點距目標僅百米"改為"距預定著陸點僅百米",更簡潔6. 去除時間描述,因為標題主要關注結果而非時間7. 保持簡潔明了,同時保留所有關鍵信息 中甲聯(lián)賽球員名單,石家莊功夫新引進外援:阿約維轉會8號,奧拉維奧轉會9號 **十萬用戶交付盛事**,吉利星愿完成10萬臺交付,起價9.88萬 特朗普與伊朗的談判誰贏誰輸,美方威脅伊朗不談判將引發(fā)軍事行動。伊朗最高領袖最新表態(tài):絕不接受美方的任何威脅。 心率失常疑因身體壓力,利雅得新月:米特羅維奇因心臟問題無法參與訓練!