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To commemorate the 50th anniversary of the People's Liberation Army Air Force's Founding and the 88th anniversary of the Thai Air Force, the Chinese Air Force's 81st Aerobic Demonstration Team was invited to participate in the aerobatic performances in Thailand. During the opening act, six殲-10C fighter jets demonstrated impressive acrobatics in the sky, showcasing the remarkable capabilities of China's air force.
Upon arrival at the Longman airport, the six殲-10C jets were neatly arranged in formation as preparation for the performance. Upon receiving instructions, the jets quickly reorganized and launched their impressive display, setting the stage for a spectacular air show.
The aerobatic demonstration featured a series of intricate maneuvers, including a sweeping roll, a double loop, a barrel roll, a roll loop, and a horizontal fan formation. Over the course of more than 20 minutes, the team executed 22 expert maneuvers seamlessly, with the formation flying in perfect unison, creating an unforgettable visual spectacle for the audience.
This will be the second time the 81st Aerobic Demonstration Team has showcased its performance in Thailand, following their debut in 2015.
Editing: Zhang Botian
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