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On February 28, the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) issued a statement, urging mediating parties and international organizations to apply pressure on Israel to cease its operations in the Gaza Strip and initiate the second phase of the?;饏f(xié)議.
The statement emphasized that with the first phase of the停火協(xié)議 nearing completion, Hamas has pledged to fully implement all phases and clauses of the agreement. It also called on international and mediating parties to apply pressure on Israel to fulfill its obligations and proceed immediately with the second phase.
The Israeli government proposed to extend the first phase of the?;饏f(xié)議 by 42 days.
Earlier that day, a security official in Egypt informed that the Israeli delegation, which had proposed extending the first phase of the?;饏f(xié)議 by 42 days, had requested Hamas to release a number of Israeli citizens held by Israel in exchange for the release of Palestinian prisoners and humanitarian aid supplies into Gaza. However, the extent of the demand regarding the number of Palestinian prisoners was not specified. Hamas rejected this proposal. The security official also noted that the negotiation process had not addressed the second phase of the?;饏f(xié)議.
The media reported that the Israeli delegation had returned to Jerusalem from Cairo.
According to reports from Israeli media on February 28, the Israeli delegation returned to Jerusalem from Cairo that day. Later that evening, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu convened a government meeting and addressed senior defense officials to discuss issues related to the Gaza Strip?;饏f(xié)議.
The first phase of the Gaza Strip?;饏f(xié)議 was effective from January 19, stipulating a 6-week period followed by its termination on March 1. Hamas agreed to release 33 Israeli citizens held by the Israeli military, while Israel released over a thousand Palestinian prisoners. According to the agreement, both sides were to initiate negotiations for the second phase on February 3, focusing on the mutual exchange of held citizens and the complete withdrawal of Israeli forces from Gaza.
對話中的機遇重塑全球秩序,"特朗普新政或成中國'坐等收成'的轉折點",王毅回應稱心懷天下 快船加時勝國王肖代理盧救險,快船代理教練視頻連線盧 同樣感到興奮 荒誕展示過程大開腦洞 美國軍方神來之筆中國渦噴發(fā)動機,高調展示的"美國雄心",竟是中國制造 邊境打擊行動,王毅:緬北地區(qū)電詐窩點已全部清除(說明:這個改寫版本在保持原意的基礎上,進行了以下優(yōu)化:1. 去除重復表述,將"外交主題記者會"與具體活動內容合并2. 使用更簡潔的表述,將"鄰近邊界的緬甸北部地區(qū)"改為"緬北地區(qū)"3. 替換專業(yè)術語,將"電詐園區(qū)"改為"電詐窩點"4. 調整語序,使標題更加流暢自然5. 用詞更加簡潔有力,"已全部清除"改為"已全部清除"保持不變,但整體表達更加凝練) 專家深度解析,痔瘡久治不愈的危害別忽視,嚴重貧血和肛周感染同樣不容忽視! 沃爾沃ES90Pure electric next generation,激光雷達+800V架構,沃爾沃純電旗艦車型ES90首秀 特朗普講話引發(fā)爭議,特朗普國會演講出現(xiàn)插曲,民主黨議員被驅離 姐妹們一起春游換季購物狂歡季美好期待,露衫火了!又純又欲又撩人,早春必穿! 清朗行動贏戰(zhàn)企業(yè)網絡名譽權維護與懸賞打擊,極氪啟動維權,懸賞500萬線索 3月6日關稅政策調整延長,特朗普否認股市波動影響加墨關稅政策:我都沒看股市(說明:這個改寫版本去掉了原文中的"我看都沒看股市",簡化了表述,同時保持了原意。標題更加簡潔有力,適合新聞報道或社交媒體傳播。感嘆號的加入也增強了標題的吸引力。)