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tournament kicks off in New Jersey on July 26, featuring a match between Liverpool and Leicester City. The tournament will then travel to Chicago on July 30 for a clash between Tottenham and Leicester City. The final game will take place in Atlanta on August 3, with a showdown between Liverpool and Leicester City.
tickets are now available for the tournament, and there are additional details about the cities participating and the latest updates. Pre-sale for official tickets will begin on March 13 for registered fans. General admission tickets go on sale on March 14 via ticketmaster.com/PLSummerSeries. Prices start from $77, including fees, with each ticket granting access to all four teams' matches throughout the series. Approximately a quarter of the tickets will be priced under $100.
"We are thrilled to bring the Premier League Summer Series back to the United States," said Richard Masterstone, the league's chief executive. "Through our review of previous Premier League and early Premier League matches, we learned that our clubs have a loyal and passionate fan base in the U.S., many of whom get up early to follow their favorite teams. With world-class players and coaches at our disposal, we are confident that the 2025 Premier League Summer Series will deliver an unforgettable experience for our fans."
This will be the Premier League's second appearance in the U.S. series. In 2023, over 26.5 thousand fans attended the first iteration of the Premier League Summer Series, held in the U.S. During that event, six Premier League clubs from five locations played nine matches, with Liverpool emerging as the champion.
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