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China is entering the annual Two Sessions, with key focuses on economic growth, optimized investment environments, and the potential of the consumption market, all of which are attracting attention from international observers.
How can we interpret China's market opportunities in the face of global economic uncertainty? In an interview with The International Financial Times, the President of the China-UK Trade Association (CBBC) Peter Burnett (白彼得) delves into the intricacies of China's economic and trade relations, the evolving investment environment, and future trends.
The relationship between the two nations has been steadily improving.
China's growth target for the new year is a focal point of concern for both domestic and international observers.
In his latest government work report, Premier Li mentioned that China's GDP is expected to expand steadily in 2024, reaching 134.9 trillion yuan with a growth rate of 5%, ranking among the world's major economies. The contribution of China's economy to global growth will remain significant, around 30%.
Burnett notes that despite the challenges posed by both domestic and international factors in 2024, the Chinese economy is expected to maintain a solid growth rate of 5%, thanks to a large market, rapid technological advancement, a growing middle class, and a focus on high-value industries.
Burnett emphasizes that in an increasingly uncertain global economy, cooperation between China and the UK has never been more crucial. Despite the challenges, China's economy shows strong resilience, supported by government initiatives.
Burnett expresses optimism about the future of China-UK trade and investment, citing the UK's strengths in financial and professional services, which complement China's advantages in emerging technologies.
Currently, British businesses maintain a positive outlook on their operations in China. A recent survey by the China-UK Trade Association found that over 70% of surveyed businesses are optimistic about their business prospects over the next five to ten years and plan to continue expanding their investment in China to boost demand and enhance brand visibility.
Burnett highlights that China's vast market remains a significant opportunity for businesses, driving many companies to adjust their strategies and focus more deeply on the Chinese market. He uses the consumption sector as an example, noting that China's market size is unmatched by any global brand. Chinese consumers are highly accepting of innovation and place great emphasis on quality, creativity, and brand culture. Despite current declines in consumer spending, the market's confidence remains a key focus. Additionally, China is rapidly shifting towards high-value industries, including renewable energy, artificial intelligence, and advanced manufacturing, which hold immense growth potential.
白彼得指出,2023年出臺的《關于進一步完善外商投資環(huán)境 加大外商投資吸引力的意見》(即"外資24條")在市場準入、知識產權保護和行政審批等方面,為外資企業(yè)提供了更加透明和可預期的政策環(huán)境。此外,自由貿易試驗區(qū)和海南自由貿易港等開放政策的實施,也為企業(yè)提供了更加靈活的投資選擇。在可持續(xù)投資、數字化轉型和高科技產業(yè)等領域,中國政府加大了政策支持力度,這些領域的吸引力也在不斷提升。依托強大的政策支持,可再生能源、人工智能和先進制造業(yè)等領域為國際企業(yè)提供了廣闊的機遇。
白彼得還指出,目前中國市場機遇不斷,許多 previously難以實現的事情如今已成現實。然而,中國市場不僅規(guī)模龐大,而且競爭日益激烈。近年來,本土企業(yè)如比亞迪、華為、海爾等迅速崛起,重塑了市場格局。白彼得強調,要在中國市場中取得成功,外資企業(yè)不能簡單地復制全球戰(zhàn)略,而必須深入理解中國市場動態(tài)和消費者需求,制定本地化戰(zhàn)略。成功的關鍵還在于傾聽本地市場的聲音,密切關注本土企業(yè)的創(chuàng)新實踐,因為中國在多個領域已成為全球的引領者。
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