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小編 reported that Arsenal's latest Premier League encounter ended in a 1-1 draw at Old Trafford, with the Gunners currently trailing the leaders by a remarkable 15 points, effectively ruling out any title ambitions.
Over the past three matches, Arsenal have managed just 2 points in total, suffering defeats to West Ham, Notts County and Manchester United, with the Gunners netting only 1 goal across those games.
This incident brings to mind Arsenal's original starting striker, Ha弗茨. This season's Golden Boot winner, Ha弗茨, underwent season-ending injury during the pre-Christmas training camp, and it was only after his absence that Arsenal managed to secure a narrow 2-1 win away to Leicester City thanks to a double from substitute Meli諾.
Following that setback, Arsenal have struggled since, with Meli諾 stepping in as the team's primary striker in their next three matches, but their attack has seemingly ground to a halt, failing to net a goal in 3 games and thus completely ruling out any hopes of爭冠.
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