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The movie《蒼山》is a deeply heartfelt and detailed portrayal. In the film, Guo Ke Yu's performance is truly exceptional, showcasing a "subtraction art" that is exemplary textbook-level. Her portrayal is modest yet rich with detail, and the character she plays, Little Sister, has always bent over—this is the physical memory of those who have carried heavy loads for years.
Indeed,《蒼山》focuses on groups of women like Little Sister, who have left their hometowns and traveled to work. These women are similar to many in our lives—mothers, sisters, etc. By exploring their perspective, the film offers a glimpse into the other side of life.
Little Sister works in domestic services in Shanghai, bearing the responsibilities of looking after an elderly mother with mental decline and a rebellious teenager. Her story is a microcosm of many women's lives.
Her reasons for leaving are varied. Some seek better income, others education, still others escape from an unhappy home, or chase their own dreams. Each has their own struggles and challenges.
In the bustling city of Shanghai, facing different employers and living in small apartments, she is burdened with pressure and challenges that many異地工作者 can relate to.
As I watched the film, I often recalled my own friends who worked hard for a better life. Their stories made me feel something, and I understood that life is hard, but with hope, things can get better.
As a director's debut,《蒼山》showcases a polished and professional approach.
Although the director is usually modest, their use of鏡頭語言 is outstanding. The film combines realist and surrealistic scenes, with realist shots showing Little Sister's hard life in an alley, doing chores, and caring for her family, all with a realistic touch. Surrealistic scenes add a touch of fantasy and poetic expression, such as a bridge where Little Sister helps a coser take photos, men reading aloud in a square where workers remove the "蒼山" sign, and an elderly man playing太極拳 on a bench with Little Sister and her mother. These scenes seem out of place but add beauty and depth.
Many shots in the film are artistically rendered, possibly due to the director's background in art. The positioning and movement of actors enhance the visual appeal, creating a balanced and vivid experience for viewers.
The film's visual treatment is highly commendable, likely influenced by the director's background in art. The positioning and movement of actors enhance the visual appeal, creating a balanced and vivid experience for viewers.
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