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** sports news channel** reports that former Manchester United star Roy Keen has commented on the 1-1 draw between Manchester United and Arsenal. Roy Keen praised Arsenal goalkeeper Lasem for his performance.
When discussing Lasem's last-minute save of Bruno Fernandes' shot, Roy Keen stated: "Bruno Fernandes' run appears to be similar to a straight sprint, which makes sense given his skillful build-up play. However, his approach seems too linear, giving the defender enough time to react and allowing the goalkeeper to make a crucial save."
Roy Keen commented: "This is a well-executed through ball. You would expect the player to direct the ball towards the goal mouth. Bruno Fernandes' distribution is flawless, but it's worth noting how impressive the goalkeeper's reaction was. If you have any criticism about the goal, you'd better have something positive to say about the save. It was truly a masterclass in goalkeeping."
Roy Keen continued: "You need to be clinical in your attacking play. Arsenal has shown a lack of quality in front of goal recently. Manchester United's poor form is a big issue, and you have to look at Arsenal's mental game. They were dominant in the first week of the season, scoring seven goals, but today's performance lacks composure. Roy Keen is a former top player, and he can see that Manchester United are not a match for Arsenal. They are not experienced enough. As an Arsenal fan, second place doesn't offer much benefit."
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