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美東時間3月10日收盤,美股三大指數(shù)集體大跌,道瓊斯指數(shù)下跌2.08%,納斯達克指數(shù)下跌4%,標普500指數(shù)下跌2.7%。其中,投資者對特斯拉(TSLA.O) particularly showed strong interest, causing its stock price to drop more than 15% on the same day, marking the largest single-day decline since September 2020. The closing total market capitalization of the company was 7145.49 billion U.S. dollars (approximately 51.9 trillion yuan), indicating a loss of 130.3 billion U.S. dollars (approximately 9.46 trillion yuan) in value.
After a 15% drop, Tesla's stock price has halved compared to its peak in the past year. Earlier in March, an anonymous user on a social platform compiled a timeline of Tesla stock price declines, noting that CEO Elon Musk responded with the message "It will be fine in the long term(長期來看會很好)."
The stock price has already fallen by over 50% compared to its peak.
Notably, before Trump won the U.S. election in November last year, Tesla's stock price had surged over 60%, reaching a high of $488.54 per share. As of March 10, the closing price was $222.15 per share, indicating a decline of over 50% from its highs.
Over the past year, Tesla has struggled with weak sales performance in key markets. In February, the company saw a significant drop in car sales in several European countries, including Norway, Sweden, Denmark, and France. This decline further eroded its market share.
Data from the German Federal Motor Vehicle Traffic Management Authority (KBA) showed that in February, Tesla accounted for only 76% of the decline in new passenger car registrations in Germany, with 1429 vehicles registered. In the first two months of the year, the company saw a 45% decrease in new vehicle registrations in France compared to the same period last year.
In the U.S. domestic market, Tesla has faced four consecutive months of negative growth. Additionally, there have been recent protests in several U.S. states, with people gathered outside Tesla stores to protest against Mr. Musk's proposal to reduce federal spending as part of his response to Trump.
In China,乘聯(lián)會(LAC)數(shù)據(jù)顯示,2月特斯拉批發(fā)銷量為30688輛,同比下降49%,環(huán)比下降51%。
UBS has lowered its first-quarter forecast for Tesla deliveries from its previous estimate of 437,000 vehicles to 367,000 vehicles. UBS also cut its target price for Tesla from $259 to $225 and maintained a "sell" rating on the company.
“最初的獲利了結(jié)演變?yōu)闊徨X流出,因為我們看到對增長形勢和關(guān)稅的擔憂不斷升級。現(xiàn)在人們更傾向于賣出并在宏觀層面出現(xiàn)更多確定性前觀望。”Ameriprise首席市場策略師Anthony Saglimbene說道。
(時代周報藍麗琦 綜合自界面新聞、華爾街見聞)
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