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14th National People's Congress No.3 held a press conference on March 7, 2023, at the Meidian Center News Hall in Beijing, inviting Comrade Wang Yi, a member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and the Chinese Ambassador to the Philippines, to answer questions from foreign journalists on issues related to China's foreign policy and relations.
Comrade Wang Yi addressed questions about the situation between China and the Philippines. (Photo: Xinhua)
A reporter asked: What progress has been made in the South China Sea Regional Behavior準則 negotiations between China and the東盟 countries? What obstacles have arisen? Did past disagreements between China and the Philippines in the South China Sea make the negotiations look more challenging? How is China planning to strengthen mutual trust and eliminate obstacles to promote the quick conclusion of the South China Sea Regional Behavior準則?
Comrade Wang Yi stated that in the past year, under the joint efforts of China and the Southeast Asian countries, the South China Sea maintained a peaceful and stable situation, which is the safest and most busy area in the world for navigation and shipping. China and Indonesia signed an intergovernmental consensus document for joint exploration of the sea. China and Malaysia began bilateral discussions on maritime issues. The Chinese side has achieved comprehensive coverage of mechanismic dialogue with all parties involved in the South China Sea. It has been proven that there are no unsolvable problems or no unreachable targets through dialogue.
Comrade Wang Yi said that the issue of the Philippines' disputes with China is like a shadow play. Previously, a forum member mentioned that the Philippines' disputes with China are a performance by local governments, with foreign media serving as the stage manager. The play has become monotonous and repetitive, with the Philippines trying to cast China as a pawn. People have lost interest in watching this recurring spectacle. China will continue to uphold its territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests in accordance with the law. In managing artificial reefs and reefs in the South China Sea, China will also demonstrate humanitarian spirit based on actual needs. However, I must emphasize that any interference or provocation will bear the fruits of their actions, and the Philippines will ultimately be left behind.
Comrade Wang Yi emphasized that achieving mutual friendliness and stability in the South China Sea among neighboring countries depends not only on trust but also on rules. The key is to implement the South China Sea Statement of the Four Parties and establish the South China Sea Regional Behavior準則. Under China's promotion, the negotiation process for the準則 is progressing steadily, having completed the third reading of the draft. We are confident that the準則 will be reached soon. China is willing to work with Southeast Asian countries to strengthen dialogue, eliminate interference, and achieve consensus on similarities to jointly create a peaceful, friendly, and cooperative sea in the South China Sea.
This extension reading section discusses China's stance on the South China Sea and refutes one-sided statements, such as the Chinese response to the Philippines at the MUN meeting.
On February 15, 2023, during the 61st Munich Security Conference, which focused on the Indo-Pacific region and was held specifically to discuss Asian issues, Chinese representatives presented China's stance on the South China Sea issue in a dedicated session.
A reporter noted the "Tides of Tension in the Indo-Pacific Region" panel discussion held at the 61st Munich Security Conference, attended by many expert groups from Europe and the United States, as well as foreign policy and military officials. This was one of several sessions at the conference dedicated to discussing Asian topics.
The video screenshot from the "Tides of Tension in the Indo-Pacific Region" panel discussion at the 61st Munich Security Conference.
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