- 全面解析,《光榮使命》2級頭盔圖鑒介紹
- 探索經典車款,GTA-SA 敞篷車介紹(四)
- 深入探秘,《光榮使命:3級防彈衣圖鑒》
- 探索空中之旅,GTA-SA 直升機介紹
- 深入探討,《光榮使命:2級防彈衣圖鑒》
- 探索虛擬天空,GTA-SA 固定翼飛機介紹
- 深入探索,《光榮使命:使命行動》道具皮卡圖鑒介紹
- 探索GTAsa的騎行世界,GTA-SA 交通工具介紹:自行車與摩托
- 深入探秘,《光榮使命:道具補給箱指南》
- 游戲攻略揭秘,《光榮使命:4倍鏡道具介紹》
Russian President Vladimir Putin has stated that Russia must make a choice that is acceptable to the country and ensures its long-term peace and stability in addressing the Ukraine issue.
During a meeting with representatives of special forces involved in the conflict, Putin emphasized that a peaceful resolution of the Ukraine issue must align with Russia's interests and guarantee its long-term peace. He reiterated that Russia will not yield to any pressure in this matter.
In response to reports that Western countries, including France and the UK, are considering a peace plan for Ukraine, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said such efforts are "absolutely unacceptable" as they aim to buy time for Ukraine to avoid further escalation. He added that Western nations are reportedly repositioning troops, signaling their lack of interest in peace.
Lavrov has explicitly stated that北約 (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) must not deploy its troops in Ukraine.
In a statement regarding France's claims of providing nuclear weapons to Ukraine and deploying military forces there, Lavrov described the claims as a "threat" to Russia. He also emphasized that the Russian government will not tolerate北約 troops being present in its territory. Lavrov noted that if Western countries cease supplying Ukraine with weapons, the conflict could escalate rapidly.
Rector of the State新聞局, Alexei Peskov, also responded to France's comments, stating that Mr.馬克龍的言論具有很強的對抗性,而且其中關于"俄羅斯威脅"的說法有很多失實之處。他特別提到,法國沒有提到北約軍隊逼近俄羅斯邊境的問題,這正是俄羅斯的合理關切。Peskov強調,從馬克龍的講話內容來看,俄羅斯更關心的是戰(zhàn)爭的延續(xù),而不是和平方案。
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