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According to reports from the state news agency Xinhua,菲律賓 former President Duterte was detained by Philippine police upon his return to Manila International Airport after reportedly fleeing the country. Local media cited officials as stating that an international criminal investigation agency had issued a red notice for Duterte following an arrest warrant from the International Criminal Court (ICC).
Before being arrested, Duterte had just completed a campaign rally in the Philippines. According to reports from參考消息網(wǎng), on March 10, Duterte and his wife arrived in Hong Kong, while on March 9, he attended a party in the銅鑼灣 district of Hong Kong. His daughter,現(xiàn)任菲律賓副總統(tǒng)莎拉·杜特爾特, also attended the event. Over 2,000菲律賓 citizens were present, with some holding photos of Duterte, while others who were not allowed to attend were gathered nearby. Security officers were on hand to maintain order.
The Philippine《馬尼拉時報》 cited a security official who had firsthand knowledge of the preparations, stating that at least 7,000 police personnel were deployed to apprehend Duterte. Security forces were focusing on major entry points, including ports and airports, to prepare for his return. However, most of the police were concentrated in Manila and his hometown, Davao. On March 11, according to a report by Reuters, Duterte's former chief legal advisor, Panenlo, said the arrest was illegal. He also claimed that police prevented him from meeting his lawyer at the airport.
"The political situation in the Philippines has evolved rapidly, and Duterte's actions have often been unpredictable. Outside observers had predicted he would eventually return to the Philippines, possibly spending some time abroad, such as until April. However, he returned unexpectedly." said Dr. Chen Jin, an associate professor at the School of International Relations at暨南大學 (Jianmin University), referring to an interview with澎湃新聞. Chen explained that Duterte's return could be for election-related considerations and the future of his political family. He also noted that "he is about 70, and if the current president,馬科斯, takes too harsh action against him when his popularity is high, he might end up in a predicament."
The arrest warrant from the ICC was tied to Duterte's anti-drug efforts during his tenure as Philippine president. According to Xinhua, Duterte launched a significant anti-drug campaign during his eight years in office, which garnered worldwide attention. The ICC had investigated his involvement in several anti-drug actions. On March 16, 2019, during Duterte's tenure, the Philippines withdrew from the International Criminal Court.
Duterte and馬科斯 資料圖
Philippine and foreign media have linked the arrest to the ongoing rivalry between the two major Philippine political families, the Duterte clan and the馬科斯 clan. The two families have been locked in a heated competition, with their rivalry becoming increasingly intense.
Before 2021, the two families were not close, and there was even some tension due to Duterte's mother,索萊達, participating in the 1986 "People's Power Revolution" against former President馬科斯. However, after a series of meetings in 2021, the two families formed a alliance to campaign for the 2022 Philippine presidential election, with Duterte's wife,莎拉, becoming vice president and former President小馬科斯 becoming president. Despite their unity, the two families were not without internal conflicts. In the 2022內(nèi)閣分配,莎拉 was denied the position of national defense minister, which had been allocated to her family, and instead was appointed as minister of education. In May 2023, she was stripped of her post as vice-minister of the senate for her ally, former President羅穆亞爾德斯, during a senate impeachment proceeding. This move angered many, leading to public criticism of the outgoing眾議院議長.
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