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小編 informs you that the official of the European Cup has confirmed that Judging員 from Romania, Istvan-Kovac, will officiate the second leg of the 1/8 final of the Europa League between Liverpool and Paris Saint-Germain on Tuesday, which will take place in Global Time at 4 AM.
In the first leg of the match, held on Global Time-1, Liverpool won 1-0 at the home of Paris Saint-Germain. The second leg of this match will be held on Wednesday, March 9th, at 4 AM Global Time, and will take place at Anfield.
According to the latest data, Istvan-Kovac has officiated only one match for Liverpool in the previous season of the European Cup, which was a 2-5 loss to Real Madrid in the first leg of the 2022-23 season.
In comparison, he has officiated four matches for Paris Saint-Germain, with a record of 2 wins and 2 draws, including a 4-1 victory over Barcelona in the second leg of the 2023-24 European Cup quarter-finals.
In addition, during this season, Istvan-Kovac has shown a total of 18 yellow cards and 1 red card in 6 matches of the European Cup.
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