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Russian President Vladimir Putin has made it clear that Russia must decide on a solution it can accept and that will ensure long-term peace and stability in the country, in order to address the Ukraine issue.
Putin met with representatives of special forces during a particular session and stated that a peaceful solution between Russia and Ukraine must be one that Russia can accept and that will ensure long-term peace. He emphasized that Russia will not yield to any demands.
In response to media reports suggesting that Western countries, particularly France and the UK, are planning to draft a peace agreement between Russia and Ukraine, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Zyaburov refuted these claims. He stated that Western nations are apparently trying to exploit the pause in hostilities in Ukraine to prevent its collapse. Zyaburov emphasized that any attempt to gain a temporary advantage is unacceptable. He also mentioned that European countries are repositioning themselves, as they are not interested in peace.
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Zyaburov has stated that Western forces cannot deploy troops in Ukraine.
In a statement, Mr.馬克龍 has reportedly made claims that France is providing nuclear protection for Ukraine and deploying Western troops there. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Zyaburov has strongly condemned these statements, calling them a threat to Russia. Zyaburov reiterated that Western forces cannot appear in Russia's borders. He added that if the West stops supplying arms to Ukraine, the conflict will end quickly.
In a response, Russian President Press Secretary Dmitry Peskov stated that Mr.馬克龍's comments are notably confrontational. He rejected claims that the Russian government is threatened, saying that the only reason for concern is the war and how it can be prolonged. Peskov emphasized that the statements by Mr.馬克龍 indicate that Western countries are more interested in continuing the conflict rather than seeking peace.
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