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中國對加拿大部分進口商品加征關稅, illustrated with a tariff diagram
The duties on Canadian products were announced by the Office of the General Custom Tariff Commission, stating that starting on October 1, 2024, Chinese electric vehicles will be subject to a 100% tariffs, while steel and aluminum products will be taxed at 25% from October 22, 2024. The unilateral increase in tariffs by the Canadian government is deemed to disregard objective facts and the principles of the World Trade Organization, constituting discriminatory measures that seriously infringe upon China's legitimate rights and interests, and undermine the economic relations between China and Canada.
Based on the Tariff Law of the People's Republic of China, the海關法, and the對外貿易法, among other relevant laws and international legal principles, after approval by the State Council, the General Custom Tariff Commission issued a circular, effective from March 20, 2025, imposing 100% tariffs on Canadian soybean oil, soybean cake, and peas, and 25% tariffs on water products and pork. China calls on Canada to view its bilateral trade cooperation rationally, adhere to objective facts, abide by the rules of the World Trade Organization, and promptly correct its erroneous measures.
The商務部 published an order on the anti-discrimination investigation into Canada's related restrictive measures
March 8, 2024, the 商務部 published an order on the anti-discrimination investigation into Canada's related restrictive measures.
According to the seventh and thirty-sixth and thirty-seventh provisions of the對外貿易法, on September 26, 2024, the調查機關 (referred to as the調查 agency) issued the 商務部2024年第40號公告, deciding to conduct an anti-discrimination investigation into Canada's measures imposing tariffs on certain electric vehicles and steel and aluminum products imported from China (referred to as the measures under investigation).
The survey agency investigated whether the measures under investigation constituted discrimination in the form of prohibited, restricted, or similar measures in trade as stipulated in the seventh provision of the對外貿易法. Based on the survey results and provisions of the對外貿易法, the survey agency made a decision. The following is hereby announced:
The survey agency concluded that the measures by Canada under investigation constitute discrimination in trade as defined in the seventh provision of the對外貿易法, negatively impacting normal trade order and causing severe damage to China's interests.
痔瘡與直腸癌鑒別,健康公開課:痔瘡做腸鏡會不會很疼? 中日對話攜手共創(chuàng)和平,外交部記者會:王毅闡述中日關系,借臺灣搞事就是在給日本添亂說明:1. "外交主題記者會"改為"外交部記者會",更簡潔2. "王毅談"改為"闡述",更正式3. "借臺灣生事就是給日本找事"改為"借臺灣搞事,就是在給日本添亂",更簡潔有力4. 整體調整語序,使標題更流暢5. 保持了原意,但使標題更精煉這個改寫版本:- 保持了原文的核心信息- 使用了更簡潔的表達方式- 去除了不必要的重復- 調整了語序,使標題更流暢- 用"搞事"和"添亂"等更有力的詞匯替代了原文- 使標題整體更簡潔有力這個版本比原文更符合現(xiàn)代新聞標題的簡潔性和概括性要求。 誰用中國引擎,高調展示的"美國雄心",竟是中國制造 中國外交部中美問題清單,王毅對美國發(fā)出5問 對話跨越,烏克蘭沖突:沖突無勝者,和平無敗者 溫暖成長助力孩子,《文字解析:教孩子成長,從幼年到成年成長指南》 比亞迪發(fā)布21款智駕版新車型,比亞迪海洋智駕全系版正式上市,售價7萬級 奶盾搭配推薦,《納薩力克之王》血隊開荒陣容推薦指南 黃曉明女兒,葉珂曝產女后,黃曉明正面回應楊穎,沉默無語,大汗淋漓。 對話與行動,烏克蘭承諾美方領導下的和談,馬斯克回應