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【編 輯】劉清揚
【責(zé) 編】鄧愛華
近日,澳大利亞夫婦米切爾·林格和詹妮弗·柯林在 undergo a dramatic incident during their flight to Italy。Upon arriving at the airport, they learned that a woman had passed away after using the restroom on board. The機組人員 unable to move the body to the商務(wù)艙, the couple chose to sit in the empty seat beside them. Just as they were about to leave, a kind passenger offered her seat to詹妮弗,while her husband remained seated on the plane for several hours。
Upon landing, however, they were not permitted to disembark immediately. They had to wait for medical staff and police to arrive before they could be allowed to leave the aircraft. During this time,米切爾·林格不得不目睹了對妻子的處理過程,甚至看到詹妮弗的面孔,這讓他的反應(yīng)非常強烈,幾乎難以接受。
The incident left the couple deeply shaken。Jennipher admitted that her daughter, a psychology nurse, helped them talk through the ordeal. Meanwhile, Australian Airline reported that they had booked the flight through their travel agent, with Cathay Pacific being the operating airline. Cathay Pacific is currently investigating the case, and Australian Airline has also expressed willingness to assist them in any way possible.
【編 輯】劉清揚
【責(zé) 編】鄧愛華
Pentagon Starts Big Reorganization Effort,美國防部宣布裁員計劃,3萬多人請辭(說明:這個改寫版本主要做了以下簡化:1. 去掉了"開始"和"超"等詞匯2. 將"文職員工提出辭職"簡化為"請辭"3. 調(diào)整了語序,使標(biāo)題更簡潔4. 使用了更簡潔的表述方式) 阿森納 vs 曼聯(lián)批評曼聯(lián) 積分慘差與困境,標(biāo)題:42歲塔圖姆情緒失控,對曼聯(lián)發(fā)起了抨擊,放棄比賽,面對“落后15分”提問,態(tài)度不佳,離場 exits。 俄羅斯無人機攻擊烏克蘭泵站被擊落但仍在運行,俄稱“土耳其溪”基礎(chǔ)設(shè)施遭烏軍攻擊 冠軍穩(wěn)了,利物浦9場再拿16分即奪冠 概率增至99.7% 名宿提前道賀 12件中國博物館藏品脫險腦洞大開逃脫博物館攻略,《博物館逃脫》贏回丟失物品通關(guān)攻略 如何正確處理被鼠咬傷的傷口,芭比被咬了,接種哪些疫苗? 達拉斯-沃斯堡機場,美國航空再遭 triple collision, this time Weather Blame! Two months saw 10+ accidents 猴子咬傷的驚險時刻,致死率70%!被猴子咬傷需警惕猴B病毒 北約介入烏克蘭沖突,俄羅斯:絕不容忍北約軍隊出現(xiàn)在烏克蘭 特朗普與澤連斯基白宮爭執(zhí),特朗普批評澤連斯基不尊重美國的立場;如果澤連斯基準備好,可以再回來。