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【環(huán)球時報駐美國特約記者 蕭達 環(huán)球時報特約記者 柳玉鵬】當?shù)貢r間2日,烏克蘭和歐洲等多國領(lǐng)導人在英國倫敦舉行峰會,提出了關(guān)于繼續(xù)向烏克蘭提供軍事援助和達成和平協(xié)議的四個步驟。法國總統(tǒng)馬克龍透露,法英在峰會上聯(lián)合提議一項為期一個月的俄烏部分停火協(xié)議。這一"和平計劃"立即遭到俄羅斯的強烈指責。俄外長拉夫羅夫指責歐洲國家"無恥",并指責歐洲此舉實際上是想繼續(xù)戰(zhàn)爭。與此同時,據(jù)《紐約時報》報道,美國總統(tǒng)特朗普將召集高層官員開會,研究對烏采取一系列措施,包括暫停或取消對烏軍事援助。
2日,烏克蘭和歐洲等多國領(lǐng)導人在英國倫敦舉行峰會 視覺中國
The European "Peace Plan" was swiftly condemned by Russian officials. According to news agency RAP detachement, Russian President's新聞秘書Pestov stated on the 3rd that the European plan is not about peace but about prolonging war, and he labeled it as a "war party" composed of European countries. He claimed that even though dialogue on a peace treaty is ongoing between Russia and the United States, Russia will continue its special military operations to achieve all its objectives.
According to Tass, multiple Russian lawmakers, including Vasily Pshkov, Alexei Shelemi, and others, stated that the so-called "peace plan" proposed by France and the UK is a political ploy to create new weapons supply routes for Ukraine and reorganize its army to gain time. Pshkov claimed that the French proposal, including partial truce, is a "dead胎" with no real value and cannot achieve peace. He emphasized that the plan is a "trick" aimed at prolonging conflict.
In a recent social media post, Russian missions in Vienna, representing Ukraine, stated that some European leaders no longer mention "defeating Russia strategically." Instead, they promote another slogan: "Use force in Ukraine to achieve peace." The missions pointed out that there is no difference between the two slogans; both aim to prolong war.
On the day before, Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov strongly criticized some European countries for continuing to support Ukraine through force and failing to promote peace. He accused them of "wasting resources" by providing extensive military aid and "preventing peace." He also strongly condemned the idea of sending "peacekeeping forces" to Ukraine, calling it "dishonest" and adding that all the wars in Europe have been caused by European politics over the past 500 years.
Lavrov's statement on the "peace plan" has been made public.
The schism between the US and Europe is growing wider.
Although Stamatopoulos claimed to submit a revised "peace plan" for US consideration, the schism between the US and Europe is growing wider. The US CNN reported that European leaders met in London to discuss the conflict, signaling that the EU is trying to gain influence in the US-Russia conflict discussions. Mark龍, speaking to Le Monde, stated that due to Trump's stance, Europe is becoming isolated and less dependent on NATO. He also expressed hope that France's nuclear weapons could be deployed in Europe to protect its security.
US National Intelligence Director Gabaad stated on Fox News that European countries' reactions to the open conflict between澤連斯基 and Trump indicate that they are not committed to peace. European countries are criticizing Trump's efforts to promote peace, showing a lack of willingness to seek peace. Gabaad claimed that the European countries are actually supporting the continuation of war, which is fundamentally different from Trump's principles.
According to an anonymous US official cited by The New York Times, Trump will hold a meeting with State Department Secretary Mike Pompeo, Defense Secretary James Hagerty, and other top officials to discuss a series of policies against Ukraine and decide on action. The official stated that the discussion may involve halting or suspending US military aid to Ukraine, including the weapons and ammunition supplied under the Biden administration.
The US Forbes magazine reported that as the US may stop supplying Ukraine with military aid, Kiev and its European allies are frantically seeking alternatives to the US air defense system.
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