- 《原神》4.6周本BOSS仆人相關(guān)成就攻略
- 《整個活吧》交換冠軍把正確的道具托給他們通關(guān)攻略
- 熱門游戲攻略揭秘,《偷吃外賣者的教訓(xùn)攻略》
- 江湖秘境探索指南,《下一站江湖2》降龍十八掌獲取攻略
- 最新福利揭秘,《出發(fā)吧麥芬》公測兌換碼一覽
- 挑戰(zhàn)攻略指南,《地下城與勇士:奧茲瑪困難模式攻略》
- 《整個活吧》錯位人生把正確的道具拖給她們通關(guān)攻略
- 趣味探險指南,《鮫人傳說:無視異常的通關(guān)指南》
- 趣味攻略助手,《整個活吧》兄弟與女友問答攻略
- 角色揭秘之旅,《永夜降臨:復(fù)蘇》希爾介紹
第一關(guān) A Personal Contract
Challenge | Conditions and Criteria |
Chameleon | Collect the??following Disguises (see Items): Gardener, Mansion Interior Guard, Mansion??Exterior Guard, Chef 收集以下人員制服:園丁,大樓內(nèi)部警衛(wèi),大樓外部警衛(wèi),廚師 |
Evidence Collector | Collect the??evidence in Cliffside and Mansion Ground Floor 收集2個證據(jù):1在懸崖邊的保安監(jiān)控室,2在大樓首層大廳的桌子上 |
Infiltrator | Complete the??chapter without being spotted. Gardens, Greenhouse, Cliffside, Mansion Ground??Floor 不被發(fā)現(xiàn)地完成本章節(jié) |
Suit Only | Complete the??chapter without using a disguise. Gardens, Greenhouse, Cliffside, Mansion??Ground Floor, Mansion Second Floor 不更換制服地完成本章節(jié) |
Modern Art | Accidental??kill in the Gardens. The large metal sculpture in the center where the two??guards are talking can have its base stem shot to destabilize it, causing it??to fall. 在花園里制造意外殺死?;▓@里兩個警衛(wèi)交談時,可射擊中間的大型金屬雕塑底部的支撐柱子使其倒塌 |
Geronimo | Guard sent??flying out of a window (defenestration). Pull out the guard at the cliffside??section, the one getting the good news about his "cancer" not being??cancer. The new diagnosis does not protect him from terminal falls. 讓警衛(wèi)飛出窗口。將那個在窗口講電話的警衛(wèi)拽出窗口 |
Extra Spice | Chef drugged.??The sleeping pills are in the upstairs restroom; the pills may be poured into??the stew the cook is preparing. 藥倒廚師。上樓去安眠藥,放到廚師正在煮東西的鍋里,然后等待 |
Damn Good Coffee | Head of??Security drugged. The sleeping pills are in the upstairs restroom; the pills??are poured into the coffee cup at the bar by the fireplace. 藥倒警衛(wèi)頭子。將安眠藥放到大廳旁,吧臺的咖啡杯里,等他睡了,取走鑰匙牌 |
Play It Again | Accident kill??using the piano's cover. For this, you may want the cook's disguise, and??leave the two enemies by the kitchen alone, so they can finish their A.I.??route. One of them goes to the piano. 利用射擊鋼琴蓋的撐桿制造意外殺人。不要理廚房里的兩個警衛(wèi),讓他們繼續(xù)巡邏,其中一個會去到鋼琴那 |
The Price of Treason | Clear mission??完成任務(wù) |
Well Played | Knockout the??Head of Security with sleeping pills, get the key card, and assassinate your??target without causing further casualties (essentially a Silent Assassin??run). 藥倒警衛(wèi)頭子取得鑰匙牌,不驚動任何人地刺殺目標(biāo)(僅指進入大樓面對廚房的這個場景) |
? | ? |
Item | Location |
Disguise - Chef | Find him in??the kitchen 廚師制服 |
Disguise - Gardener | Refer to the??tutorial, or any of the shady looking guys in big hats, sandals, and hippy??t-shirts 園丁制服 |
Disguise - Mansion Exterior Guard | Guards in the??green jumpsuits. You cannot take their disguises until the Instinct tutorial.??大樓外警衛(wèi)制服 |
Disguise - Mansion Interior Guard | Guards in the??slacks and white shirts. All the enemies in the scoring section have this??disguise. 大樓內(nèi)警衛(wèi)制服 |
JAGD P22G | Handgun??carried by the guards. 警衛(wèi)的槍 |
Axe | Found in the??garden 斧頭,在一開始轉(zhuǎn)左的區(qū)域,在一個斷樹上 |
Book | Found in the??garden 網(wǎng)球場下方的花園,從左側(cè)走,就會發(fā)現(xiàn) |
Coffee Mug | At the??cliffside 咖啡杯,在懸崖場景 |
Brick | Found in the??garden 磚頭,在一開始轉(zhuǎn)左的區(qū)域 |
Fire Poker | Fireplace, in??the mansion. 火鉗,大樓大廳內(nèi),吧臺附近的火爐 |
Hammer | Found in the??garden 錘子,花園里,砸死人的雕像旁 |
Keycard | Dispose of??the Head of Security 鑰匙牌,警衛(wèi)頭子身上 |
Filet Knife | In the??Instinct tutorial section before the greenhouse. 折疊刀,進入溫室前的場景,在桌子上的西瓜果盤那 |
Knife | Found in the??kitchen 刀,廚房里 |
Sleeping Pills | Found in the??second floor bathroom, mansion interior (scoring section) 安眠藥,大樓2樓的淋浴間 |
Statue Bust | On the shelf??outside the bathroom 雕像,淋浴間門口右側(cè) |
Wrench | Where 47??first enters the mansion grounds, the tutorial guides you to one. 扳手,在一開始轉(zhuǎn)左的區(qū)域 |
? | ? |
第二關(guān) The King Of Chinatown
Challenge | Conditions and Criteria |
Chameleon | Collect the??following Disguises (see Items): Chicago Police Officer, Market Vendor,??Dealer, Chicago SWAT Officer 收集這四種制服: 警察、商販、毒販、特警隊 |
Evidence Collector | Collect the??evidence. 證據(jù),在亭子里,投毒前順手收了 |
Infiltrator | Complete the??chapter without being spotted. |
Suit Only | Complete the??chapter without using a disguise. |
Kaboom | Messy but??effective. Kill the target with a remote explosive. 使用遙控引爆殺死目標(biāo) |
A Killing View | Target??eliminated with a sniper rifle, from the dealer's apartment. 使用狙擊槍殺死目標(biāo),在市場右側(cè)二樓,毒販的窩里 |
Controlled Detonation | Kill only the??target. Use the remote explosive near the King's car to kill only him. The??cop in the body dump will be unharmed. 把爆炸物放在King的跑車旁,殺死(并只殺死)他 |
Man Down | Kill the??target by pushing him down a hole. The "hole" is the cargo floor??opening near where the King eats his free poisoned sushi. 把目標(biāo)推進坑里,在市場左側(cè)盡頭 |
Drop Dead | Accidental??kill by dropping the suspended cargo on the target. Do it where he stops to??publicly urinate by the level exit. 制造意外令貨物砸死目標(biāo) |
Two for the Price of One | Get the Kazo??TRG sniper rifle from the dealer's apartment and kill both the dealer and the??King in one shot. You may need to be discovered to get the perfect lined up??shot (just reload after the challenge is earned) 用狙擊槍一槍干掉毒販和King |
Clean Sweep | Evidence??recovered. 47 remains undetected. 找到證據(jù)并不被發(fā)現(xiàn) |
Don't Do Drugs | Poison the??target's drugs. Use the Fugu Fish and poison the stash in the dealer's??apartment. 取河豚毒素,然后直奔樓梯底的角落里,往**里投毒,然后等(king會跟著販子上樓high一下,任務(wù)就完成了) |
Hot Coffee | Place Fugu??Fish poison into the King's coffee at the pagoda. 去賣魚攤?cè)『与喽荆酵ぷ永锏目Х韧抖?/td> |
Let's Do Lunch | Place Fugu??Fish poison in the King's sushi, near where you can push him down the cargo??hole. 把河豚魚毒素放到King的壽司里,毒死他 |
Master Poisoner | Complete Hot??Coffee, Don't Do Drugs and Let's Do Lunch 完成以上3個投毒 |
Quid Pro Quo | Clear mission??完成任務(wù) |
Veiled Death Part 1 | Subdue/stealth??kill any policeman, take his uniform then subdue/stealth kill the dealer??while wearing the policeman's uniform. Easiest outfit to get would be the??guard who is near Kings car. Works at his appartment or when the dealer goes??to get his drugs in the stairwell. 殺死一個警察換上制服,然后殺掉販子。最可行的路線是出口旁的3個警察,其中兩個會離開,盡快干掉,換衣服,然后跟隨販子到樓梯底,干掉 |
Veiled Death Part 2 | Poison/stealth??kill the target wearing the dealer's disguise (needs confirmation on whether??it has to happen in dealer's apartment) 緊接著Part 1,換上販子的衣服,先去取河豚毒,然后去亭子里跟king碰頭,帶他上2樓,要比king走得快,到左邊窗口的桌子上投毒,等他掛掉 |
? | ? |
Item | Location |
Disguise - Dealer | The King's??drug dealer can be found roaming between his apartment, the pagoda, and the??back alley where he hides a second stash of drugs. 毒販的衣服 |
Disguise - Market Vendor | The various??stall owners and food vendors have this disguise. There's a bag with the??disguise near where the King eats his sushi. 隨便那個攤販的衣服,建議走到盡頭的那個攤子,沒其他人 |
Disguise - Chicago Policeman | There's more??police in this stage than there are in all six Police Academy movies. 警察制服 |
Disguise - Chicago SWAT Officer | These enemies??only appear if 47 becomes a mass murderer. You can cause a ruckus, drag off a??SWAT and take the disguise, then reload the checkpoint afterward. 特警制服,只有當(dāng)47化身殺人狂魔時才出現(xiàn),干掉一個換上制服,然后重新reload這個check??point就是了 |
Swiss 3000 | Fictional??handgun. The dealer may have this weapon, or you can find it by the illegal??police stash near the King's sportscar. 毒販的槍 |
Z&M Model 60 | Fictional??S&W Model 60 Revolver used by the fictional Chicago Police Department. 警察的左輪 |
HX UMP | Fictional??H&K UMP. Find it by the illegal police stash near the King's sportscar. 沖鋒槍,在king的跑車附近的壞警察的藏匿處 |
Kazo TRG | Sniper rifle??found in the dealer's apartment. 狙擊槍,販子的窩里 |
Axe | Item found in??one of the stalls. 斧頭,過了牌坊,往前走,整個市場的右前方角落里 |
Brick | A common junk??item on the street. 磚頭,過了歡舞學(xué)院的牌子,一個牌坊前,右側(cè)樹下 |
Filet Knife | A cutting??tool found in the stall next to the unused merchant disguise. 折疊刀,市場左側(cè)走到盡頭的2個攤子中,右側(cè)的攤子 |
Gasoline Can | Found near??one of the stalls. 汽油罐,進入龍門,向右轉(zhuǎn),面對白色歡舞學(xué)院的牌子的左邊的箱子上 |
Knife | Found in the??stall next to the fugu fish. 刀,開始沒多久,剛進了龍門,左手一堆人群,背后的角落里,藥箱對面 |
Bottle | Empty bottles??are plentiful. 瓶子 |
Remote Explosive | Find it by??the illegal police stash near the King's sportscar. 遙控炸彈,在king的跑車附近的壞警察的藏匿處 |
Fugu Fish | Find it in a??stall near the pagoda; the stall has both a man and a women market vendor.??The fugu fish is behind the woman market vendor (get it while her back is??turned). 河豚,在賣魚攤,趁著那個女的轉(zhuǎn)身去干別的,過去取,注意攤檔外的警察的視線 |
星際戰(zhàn)甲獲取槽位方法白金與任務(wù),《星際戰(zhàn)甲》槽位獲取攻略 夜行動物的捕獲小技巧,荒野暗照蜂的收集方法解析 鼾癥與肥胖的秘密,打呼嚕與肥胖的秘密:專家解析健康公開課 1980年代尋找,《文字玩出花》懷舊喊吃飯通關(guān)攻略 笛子神曲 強效絕技 音波強效,怪物獵人荒野之息:打黑絲技巧分享 權(quán)力更迭與國家安全,特朗普正式撤銷拜登權(quán)限 生存指引,《逆境重生》設(shè)施圖鑒大全 漢密爾頓轉(zhuǎn)會,梅賽德斯領(lǐng)隊:祝愿漢密爾頓賽場上好運,我們當(dāng)然希望在賽道上擊敗他 如何在Steam上下載游戲,角斗士2安裝指南:GORN 2如何下載與安裝 限定平臺fff,玩AFTERBLAST游戲去哪里-游玩平臺推薦