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Russian President Vladimir Putin has stated that Russia must make a choice that is acceptable to the country and ensures its long-term peace and stability in addressing the Ukraine issue.
During a meeting with representatives of special forces involved in the conflict, Putin emphasized that a peaceful resolution of the Ukraine issue must align with Russia's interests and guarantee its long-term peace. He reiterated that Russia will not yield to any pressure in this matter.
In response to reports that Western countries, including France and the UK, are considering a peace plan for Ukraine, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said such efforts are "absolutely unacceptable" as they aim to buy time for Ukraine to avoid further escalation. He added that Western nations are reportedly repositioning troops, signaling their lack of interest in peace.
Lavrov has explicitly stated that北約 (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) must not deploy its troops in Ukraine.
In a statement regarding France's claims of providing nuclear weapons to Ukraine and deploying military forces there, Lavrov described the claims as a "threat" to Russia. He also emphasized that the Russian government will not tolerate北約 troops being present in its territory. Lavrov noted that if Western countries cease supplying Ukraine with weapons, the conflict could escalate rapidly.
Rector of the State新聞局, Alexei Peskov, also responded to France's comments, stating that Mr.馬克龍的言論具有很強的對抗性,而且其中關(guān)于"俄羅斯威脅"的說法有很多失實之處。他特別提到,法國沒有提到北約軍隊逼近俄羅斯邊境的問題,這正是俄羅斯的合理關(guān)切。Peskov強調(diào),從馬克龍的講話內(nèi)容來看,俄羅斯更關(guān)心的是戰(zhàn)爭的延續(xù),而不是和平方案。
法杖打擊椅子,雙影奇境負重前行成就解析 冒險新地圖月光下的小黑妹,《地下城堡2》11月4日兌換碼 佤族文化盛宴,佤族舞蹈精彩亮相昆明長水機場 展現(xiàn)民族文化魅力 下載版,Shadowveil游戲下載地址在哪?The Five Rings下載鏈接介紹 外資增持工業(yè)制造,外資機構(gòu)調(diào)倉動向曝光,工業(yè)制造潛力股備受青睞(解釋:改寫后的標題去掉了重復(fù)的"獲"字,調(diào)整了語序,使表述更簡潔流暢,同時保留了核心信息:外資機構(gòu)的調(diào)倉動向、工業(yè)制造領(lǐng)域的潛力股。)另一種改寫方式:外資機構(gòu)調(diào)倉動向曝光:工業(yè)制造潛力股獲青睞(解釋:標題采用了":"分隔,使結(jié)構(gòu)更清晰,同時保留了外資機構(gòu)調(diào)倉動向和工業(yè)制造潛力股的關(guān)鍵詞,使標題更加簡潔明了。)再一種改寫方式:外資機構(gòu)調(diào)倉動向曝光,工業(yè)制造潛力股獲關(guān)注(解釋:標題去掉了重復(fù)的"獲"字,使表述更簡潔,同時保留了外資機構(gòu)調(diào)倉動向和工業(yè)制造潛力股的關(guān)鍵詞,使標題更加流暢自然。) 特斯拉股價重挫社交平臺X服務(wù)中斷引發(fā)市場恐慌,特斯拉股價重挫15%,創(chuàng)下2020年以來最大單日跌幅 大鍋配方解鎖完美藥劑,雙影奇境藥劑大師成就怎么做:藥劑大師成就方法解析 火焰無盡通關(guān)策略與技巧,《盲盒派對》火焰無盡關(guān)卡通關(guān)方法介紹 捕捉冷冰蓑衣蟲,怪物獵人荒野 冷冰蓑衣蟲收集方法 夜釣入道烏賊小技巧,怪物獵人荒野入道烏賊釣法技巧分享