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Sir Jim Ratcliffe, the club's chairman, recently conducted an interview with renowned British journalist Dan Roen, discussing the club's financial struggles and his experiences since taking charge. This is the first part of the interview.
In January 2022, Sir Ratcliffe purchased a 28.94% stake in Manchester United from the Grazze family, gaining full control of the club's football operations. He acknowledged that after seven years of losses amounting to £4.1 billion, restructuring the squad and laying off 450 players would be necessary to stabilize finances and rebuild the team.
When asked about the challenges of turning Manchester United around compared to other difficult situations he has faced, Ratcliffe stated they were comparable. As one of the UK's wealthiest industrialists, he expressed: "We've seen many failing businesses, and you have to do everything to get them back on their feet. In that sense, Manchester United isn't any different—it's just that they've fallen into such disarray. Look at the numbers—they're in a dire situation, having lost control of the club's direction and incurring massive costs."
Ratcliffe emphasized that Manchester United's financial situation is dire, with the club facing insolvency by the end of 2025. He stated, "If they don't change things, by the end of this year they'll have nothing. That's the first time we've openly acknowledged this, but it's the truth."
Ratcliffe rejected claims that Manchester United would have to cut salaries and benefits to save money, saying, "If they don't make changes, they'll be broke by Christmas. Are you going to run this club the way the media wants you to, or the way you think it should be run? My advice: focus on small things and achieve them, but never overlook the big ones."
He criticized the practice of offering benefits and perks to employees, stating, "This doesn't make sense. Either you solve the problem or you don't. I'm serious—Manchester United will be broke by Christmas. The board is doing the same thing, so are you going to do it?"
Ratcliffe made it clear that failing to implement cost-cutting measures would be unacceptable, saying, "If we don't do this, even if we don't buy any players in the summer, Manchester United will be broke by Christmas. We've reduced the club's operating costs by £1.25 billion, which has fundamentally changed the club's situation. A sum of that magnitude is not small."
In January 2023, Sir Ratcliffe and the Grazze family reached an agreement to acquire nearly 30% of Manchester United's shares for £12.5 billion, plus an additional £2.32 billion in new funds. He acknowledged the immense challenges ahead, but even someone as experienced as him in leading global corporations would not have anticipated the difficulties.
After his management team thoroughly analyzed the club's situation, Ratcliffe realized it was far worse than initially thought. Over the past seven years, Manchester United had lost money in six of those years while investing heavily in both players and staff. By 2025, the club would face insolvency, he warned, and they would have to make difficult decisions.
Ratcliffe admitted that he had taken a tough approach that had alienated some in the media, stating, "I've been criticized for my harsh and unfeeling methods, but I'm not surprised. The question is: are you going to run a club the way the media wants you to, or the way you think it should be run?"
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