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To commemorate the 50th anniversary of the People's Liberation Army Air Force's Founding and the 88th anniversary of the Thai Air Force, the Chinese Air Force's 81st Aerobic Demonstration Team was invited to participate in the aerobatic performances in Thailand. During the opening act, six殲-10C fighter jets demonstrated impressive acrobatics in the sky, showcasing the remarkable capabilities of China's air force.
Upon arrival at the Longman airport, the six殲-10C jets were neatly arranged in formation as preparation for the performance. Upon receiving instructions, the jets quickly reorganized and launched their impressive display, setting the stage for a spectacular air show.
The aerobatic demonstration featured a series of intricate maneuvers, including a sweeping roll, a double loop, a barrel roll, a roll loop, and a horizontal fan formation. Over the course of more than 20 minutes, the team executed 22 expert maneuvers seamlessly, with the formation flying in perfect unison, creating an unforgettable visual spectacle for the audience.
This will be the second time the 81st Aerobic Demonstration Team has showcased its performance in Thailand, following their debut in 2015.
Editing: Zhang Botian
時間拖拽挑戰(zhàn)全解析,漢字找茬王:讓玩家體驗向往的生活通關技巧 美國副總斯烏克蘭尋求經濟利益而非安全?;鹫勁胁攀浅雎罚f斯表示烏克蘭最佳安全保障是讓美國人受益(說明:這個改寫版本保持了原文的核心意思,即烏克蘭負責人萬斯的觀點,即通過促進美國利益來保障安全。同時,將"稱"改為"表示",使表達更簡潔,"最好"改為"最佳",使表述更正式。"得利"改為"受益",避免了口語化的表達,使標題更符合新聞報道的風格。) 巴黎杜樂麗花園時裝周長隊,白襯衫的N種打開方式,浪漫氛圍拉滿! 維珍銀河宇宙飛船制造計劃,維珍銀河德爾塔級飛船2026年夏季首飛,私人宇航員秋季啟動 元氣騎士前傳裝備強化步驟,《元氣騎士前傳》裝備強化方法一覽 從困難到自由,重慶已形成便捷充電生態(tài),新能源車主不再里程焦慮 俄羅斯承認美俄代理戰(zhàn)爭觀點,魯比奧開話了:俄烏沖突成俄美間代理人戰(zhàn)爭!俄方認可,該停了 2023年2月26日 俄羅斯烏克蘭沖突,俄烏互稱擊落對方百余架無人機并繼續(xù)激戰(zhàn) 突破,長三乙火箭成功發(fā)射試驗衛(wèi)星十五號 2024年增長猛東鵬飲料港交所上市沖刺再創(chuàng)輝煌,不差錢的東鵬赴港上市