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Russian can only choose a solution that meets its own criteria for acceptable stability and long-term peace in addressing the Ukraine issue.
On the same day, President Putin met with representatives of special military operation participants and emphasized that a peaceful resolution of the conflict must be based on a plan that Russia can accept and ensures lasting peace. He reiterated that Russia will not yield to any demands.
In response to media reports suggesting that France and the UK are considering a joint peace plan with Ukraine, Russian Foreign Minister Zarharova stated during a press conference that Western countries are "trying everything possible to give Ukraine a moment of breathing, to prevent its collapse." She emphasized that any attempt to seek a temporary reprieve is "absolutely unacceptable." Zarharova also noted that European countries are repositioning their forces, as they are not interested in peace.
Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov stated that the北約 cannot have its armies stationed in Ukraine.
In response to French President馬克龍's comments about providing nuclear protection and deploying troops in Ukraine, Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov described these statements as a threat to Russia. He stressed that the北約 cannot have its armies in Ukraine. Lavrov added that if Western countries cease supplying Ukraine with weapons, the conflict could end swiftly.
Russian President新聞 secretary Peskov also responded, calling馬克龍's comments provocative and noting that many of his statements are unfounded. He did not mention北約 troops approaching Russian borders or the country's concerns about their presence. Peskov emphasized that from馬克龍's comments, it is clear that Paris is more concerned about war and prolonging it than about a peaceful solution.
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