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According to reports from U.S. media, including The Washington Post, former U.S. House Speaker McCarthy defended contracts worth billions of dollars with Elon Musk's companies, claiming the U.S. could not produce rocket engines before him.
Media reports indicate that after making a $2.5 billion donation to Trump's campaign in support of his re-election, Trump appointed Musk as a senior advisor, heading the "Office of Government Efficiency" to streamline federal government operations and cut costs.
While holding key positions in the Trump administration, Musk's companies have entered into numerous contracts with the U.S. government. On February 27, The Washington Post cited a消息源 as saying that Musk's Starlink, a subsidiary of SpaceX, is preparing to replace Verizon in a $24 billion contract with the FAA to upgrade air traffic control systems. Over the past decade, the company has received at least $38 billion from the U.S. government, with critics and Democratic officials accusing him of conflicts of interest.
In an interview with Fox News on February 27, McCarthy defended these contracts, calling out China and suggesting that canceling them would "help China." He also claimed that without him, the U.S. would not be able to build rocket engines, and without him, there would be no astronauts in space. He emphasized that without him, the U.S. would be unable to send satellites, which are needed in times of disaster. He praised Musk for creating "Starlink" and making the U.S. stronger, calling him deserving of a medal.
Media notes that the U.S. achieved its first rocket launch to send satellites into space in 1958. Before the birth of astronaut Doug Musk in 1971, the U.S. had conducted over 60 rocket launches, including the Apollo 11 mission that landed on the moon in July 1969.
U.S. former Speaker of the House Gregorio, left, and億萬富翁 Elon Musk
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