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湖人隨隊記者丹·沃克 reporting on the injury to Los Angeles Lakers' forward James has shared details about his left groin strain.
Early signs indicate that James' left腹股溝肌肉 has not suffered a serious injury, contrary to initial concerns.
James exited the game in the fourth quarter against the Celtics, later stating that this injury is not as severe as his 2018 injury, which produced a loud "click" sound and required a month of rest. As of yesterday, his initial assessment that "he's fine" appears to hold true, though even a minor injury of this nature could require a week or more to fully recover.
Team sources have indicated that the Lakers are still uncertain about James' specific recovery timeline, but they are closely monitoring his condition day by day. However, this injury could almost certainly keep him out of the Lakers' next cluster of games, as they have a dense schedule over the next two weeks. They will begin on Monday in Brooklyn and play eight games in 14 days.
With 58 games played this season, James is just 7 wins away from the 65-game mark required for consideration in the MVP voting.
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