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(原標(biāo)題:The news發(fā)言人 of the People's Liberation Army and the People's Armed Police Force indicates that the national defense budget for 2025 will be 1.81 trillion yuan.)
On March 9, 2023, at the 14th National People's Congress Session, the news發(fā)言人 of the People's Liberation Army and the People's Armed Police Force, Wu Qian, conducted a press conference to address questions about the national defense budget allocation for 2025.
Wu Qian stated that the Chinese government consistently adheres to the principle of maintaining a balance between national defense construction and economic development, rationally determining the scale of national defense expenditure. In recent years, to safeguard national sovereignty, security, and developmental interests, and to meet the needs of the national military reforms, the Chinese government has ensured the healthy development of the economy while maintaining a stable growth trajectory of national defense expenditure, thereby enhancing both national defense capabilities and economic strength in tandem.
Taking into account national security and developmental needs, ensuring that national defense modernization progresses in tandem with national modernization, and comprehensively enhancing the strategic capabilities for safeguarding national core interests, the Chinese government has allocated 1.81 trillion yuan for national defense in 2025, representing a 7.2% increase from the previous year's budget. Central-level defense支出 is 1.78 trillion yuan, representing a 7.2% increase compared to the previous year.
The additional defense budget will be utilized in the following areas:
1. Promoting the development of new types of combat forces and strengthening the construction of traditional combat forces, advancing the establishment of a new military structure.
2. Enhancing the capabilities of reconnaissance and warning, joint operations, battlefield support, and integrated command systems, ensuring the completion of the "Fourth Five-Year Plan" for military construction.
3. Strengthening training for operational readiness, deepening the reform and development of military education institutions, and building a robust system for the training and education of military personnel.
4. Deepening military and armed forces reforms, perfecting policies and measures in human resource areas, improving training and combat readiness conditions for units, and ensuring the well-being of service members.
It is important to note that the national defense budget for China is legally and budgetarily planned and submitted each year to the National People's Congress for approval. The budget is managed and used in accordance with laws and regulations, and is publicly disclosed. China actively participates in the United Nations' transparent mechanisms for military expenditures, with the budget size, structure, and primary uses being fully transparent. Compared to many other countries, China's national defense expenditure, as a percentage of GDP, national fiscal expenditure, and per capita national defense and military expenditure, is relatively low.
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