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1.封面新聞 photographer 崔瑤
On March 10, 2023, an online innovation and development conference was held in綿陽科技城, introducing a new product developed by Sichuan Biángáng Science and Technology Co., Ltd., a local company. The product, "Online Monitored Instrument for Total Water Toxicity," was officially launched.
During the conference, Mr.黃杰, a deputy general engineer of Sīngyìng Bìngláng Science and Technology, stated that with the acceleration of industrialization and urbanization, water pollution has become increasingly severe, posing significant threats to both the environment and human health. Traditional water quality monitoring methods can quantitatively analyze specific pollutants, but they struggle with comprehensive monitoring when dealing with numerous pollutants that interact in complex ways. This limitation has made it difficult to fully understand the true toxicity of water quality and to promptly detect sudden pollution incidents.
The conference venue was provided by綿陽科技城.
The new instrument employs fluorescence bacteria as indicator organisms, utilizing the inhibition effect of toxic substances on bacterial fluorescence to achieve efficient and real-time monitoring of water toxicity. This technology not only detects multiple pollutants but also evaluates their combined toxicity effects, offering a more accurate assessment of water quality. Additionally, it boasts advantages such as easy operation, optimal temperature control, high precision in sample analysis, long-term stability, and convenient maintenance.
The monitoring instrument features air conditioning and a semiconductor refrigeration system working together to precisely control the temperatures in the machine and storage rooms. It uses dual channels and high-performance photon multiplier detectors to ensure that the same sample maintains less than 5% variability in toxic results over 8 hours and maintains stable results within ±5% for 24-hour continuous testing without toxic substances. The instrument also incorporates frozen-dried bacterial cultures, allowing rapid recovery and online operation within 2 minutes. Furthermore, it employs high-precision計量 units to extend the usage cycle of culture recovery solutions beyond 14 days, thereby reducing operational costs.
According to the presenter, this monitoring instrument is applicable to various water quality environments, including surface water, groundwater, drinking water sources, pollution sources, and agricultural irrigation water. It can respond to over 5,000 toxic substances such as pesticides, heavy metals, and biological toxins, providing reliable data for water quality safety monitoring.
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