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The waves of change never hesitate to move forward; only those who dare to break through can rebuild the ecological system, while those who embrace collaboration receive the gifts of the era.
——Peter Drucker
The Pearl River Delta region of China is one of the most active economic areas. In early spring 2025, the EMBA program at Xiamen University continued to host公開課, forums, and other activities in the Bay Area. On February 28, the廈E公開課 visited Guangzhou, while a distinguished scholar forum on the coast was held in Shenzhen on March 8. The event featured over 300 participants from Xiamen University EMBA alumni, classmates, and guests from society.
Dr. Cao慕昆, the vice dean of the Xiamen University EMBA Center, delivered the opening remarks, while Ms.劉薇, the deputy director and招生主管, introduced the EMBA招生政策.
The forum, themed "Breakthrough, Reconstruction, and Coexistence: Strategic Transformations for Enterprises in the Digital Age," featured Dr. 張其亮, a renowned expert in digital transformation and multi-industry practice, as the main speaker. Drawing on strategic initiatives and nine industry-specific transformation cases, Dr. 張其亮 offered a comprehensive exploration of core logic and implementation paths for digital transformation in enterprises.
National policy guidance
The forum began with Dr. 張其亮 explicitly stating that innovation is the combination and large-scale delivery of new knowledge, drawing on the achievements of China's economic growth over the past four decades to introduce the concept of "new state-owned enterprises." He emphasized that over the next four decades, the three core propositions of national development— a unified market of national scope, platform economy, and innovative capabilities— would be the key drivers for China's high-quality development.
The transformation of local governments from "all-powerful governments" to "service-type governments" is essential. With the national strategy of establishing a unified market, the goal is to eliminate administrative barriers and promote the free flow of production factors. Local governments must transition from a focus on innovation to a role of service provision, aiding in the efficient allocation of resources.
Platform economy is a new engine for modernization. Its essence lies in the elimination of intermediaries and fostering ecosystem cooperation, playing a key role in the construction of a unified market. Additionally, the establishment of the National Data Bureau marks the beginning of a new era where digital infrastructure and industry integration are fully integrated into national development strategies.
The coexistence logic between public and private enterprises. The State-owned assets reform and upgrading program emphasizes focusing on key areas, filling skill gaps, and strengthening weak segments, using mixed ownership to stimulate innovation. Private enterprises must embrace a platformized model, transitioning from individual efforts to ecological coexistence. A legal environment that promotes fairness and a major technical innovation collaboration strategy are essential for their success.
1. **去中心化**:區(qū)塊鏈實現(xiàn)了M2C(廠家直連消費者),徹底打破傳統(tǒng)商戶與銀行的中心化壟斷格局。
2. **零摩擦交易**:通過自動清算和實時分賬功能,將傳統(tǒng)供應(yīng)鏈的結(jié)算周期從數(shù)月縮短至秒級。
3. **可信生態(tài)**:分布式賬本技術(shù)解決了"人心不古"的信任難題,為數(shù)字時代的無邊界協(xié)作奠定了可靠基礎(chǔ)。
4. **協(xié)同破界**:
- **地方政府**需從傳統(tǒng)的"土地財政依賴者"轉(zhuǎn)變?yōu)?產(chǎn)業(yè)服務(wù)者",通過數(shù)據(jù)共享和金融創(chuàng)新培育本土平臺企業(yè)。
- **企業(yè)家**必須摒棄傳統(tǒng)的"集權(quán)管控"思維,通過賦予員工確定性資源,將企業(yè)轉(zhuǎn)變?yōu)殚_放型生態(tài)系統(tǒng)。
5. **結(jié)語**:在轉(zhuǎn)型陣痛期,數(shù)字文明的浪潮下,企業(yè)唯有突破傳統(tǒng)思維的桎梏,擁抱數(shù)字化的"破局重構(gòu)共生",才能在未來的商業(yè)環(huán)境中立于不敗之地。
6. **論壇總結(jié)**:張其亮教授引用《無邊界企業(yè)》的觀點指出,數(shù)字化轉(zhuǎn)型不是選擇題,而是生存題。在政策紅利與技術(shù)革命交匯的機遇期,只有突破傳統(tǒng)博弈思維,擁抱數(shù)字化轉(zhuǎn)型,企業(yè)才能在數(shù)字文明的浪潮中實現(xiàn)持續(xù)突破與重生。
7. **論壇價值**:此次論壇不僅為企業(yè)提供了 cutting-edge 的戰(zhàn)略洞察,更彰顯了廈大EMBA教育"知行合一"的核心理念。未來,廈大EMBA將繼續(xù)推出聚焦于數(shù)字經(jīng)濟領(lǐng)域的課程與活動,助力企業(yè)家在時代洪流中實現(xiàn)破局重生。
專家解析痔瘡那些事,貧血、肛周感染、痔瘡難治的危害勿忽視! 外資企業(yè)2025兩會聚焦,標(biāo)題改寫:布局中國市場,他們聚焦兩會 美烏會談激烈沖突與合作提前結(jié)束,特朗普與澤連斯基激烈爭吵,無協(xié)議簽署,匆匆離別 如何掌握恐慌警報的觸發(fā) secrets,《零號任務(wù)》恐慌警報觸發(fā)方法內(nèi)容一覽 飛機上離奇事件驚動乘客,澳大利亞一對夫婦在飛行途中目睹女子突然死亡,與遺體一同安息4小時。 租借回歸,國米再添新援:卡爾博尼成功回歸,本季將代表球隊出戰(zhàn) 小微企業(yè)融資困境與政策,全國人大代表黃達昌:銀行支持企業(yè)時應(yīng)減少房產(chǎn)抵押貸款依賴 內(nèi)需驅(qū)動 下資金港股科技恒指,洪灝:港股高位追漲可行性及關(guān)稅影響分析! 拜仁慕尼黑 vs 勒沃庫森歐冠1/8決賽戰(zhàn)報,孔帕尼:維爾茨無法替代,備戰(zhàn)工作稍有調(diào)整 賈美香專家孤獨癥男女比例及原因,專家提醒:男孩也要打破"重男輕女",孤獨癥同樣關(guān)注性別平等說明:1. 刪除了"健康公開課"中的"公開課",使標(biāo)題更簡潔2. "家有男孩的要注意"改為"專家提醒",更顯權(quán)威性3. "孤獨癥也會"改為"同樣關(guān)注",使表達更流暢4. "重男輕女"改為"重男輕女",保持了原意5. 整體標(biāo)題更簡潔有力,同時保持了核心信息6. 通過"專家提醒"的表述,突出了專業(yè)性和權(quán)威性7. "打破"和"關(guān)注"的搭配使標(biāo)題更有吸引力