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On March 10, website直播吧 reported that意大利 national team coach Massimo Spalletti discussed his aspirations, last year's European Cup, and the爭冠 situation in意甲 during an interview.
What is your hidden dream?
I imagine playing cards with意大利 former national team coach貝阿爾佐特 in Italy, perhaps on an airplane... while I was smoking. (This is a famous photo from after Italy won the 1982世界杯 with貝阿爾佐特's team.)
Italy failed in the歐洲杯 during last summer's tournament.
Failure teaches us valuable lessons, such as what players displayed during the歐國聯, which greatly benefited them, and then they performed well.
I won the意甲 title in那不勒斯.
While I was training in那不勒斯, I bought a sofa bed to sleep because the training base was far from the city, making commuting time-consuming. I had to fully commit to my work there. I had a photo of馬拉多納 there, and he looked at us as if he was close, which gave us strength.
Will you coach other意甲 clubs in the future?
I will not coach other意甲 clubs. For those wearing the馬爾多納球場 jersey, returning to that place is very difficult.
Please predict this season's意甲冠軍.
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