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Pentagon Starts Mass Retraining Plan
March 7, 2023 – According to Pentagon officials, President Trump is signaling a shift in federal workforce management. The White House announced plans to restructure federal agencies by cutting costs and streamlining operations. The new initiative, set to begin this month, will focus on optimizing federal employment to enhance efficiency.
The plan includes a buyout program designed to encourage federal employees to leave their current jobs and join the private sector. This initiative is expected to reduce government costs while improving service delivery. The buyout program will offer federal employees an alternative to termination, providing a clear path for career advancement in the private sector.
White House Press Secretary Karine Jean Twersky emphasized the importance of this initiative, stating, "This is not about cutting jobs, but about restructuring government to better serve the American people." She added, "We are looking for ways to reallocate resources to areas where they can have the greatest impact."
The buyout program will also help address the growing need for expertise in critical areas such as infrastructure, public health, and technology. By encouraging federal employees to transition to the private sector, the initiative aims to create a more dynamic and responsive workforce.
The plan is expected to have a significant impact on federal employment, with thousands of employees being encouraged to leave their current positions. This restructuring effort is part of a broader strategy to improve government efficiency and effectiveness while ensuring that federal services remain accessible and affordable for all Americans.
For more details on this initiative, visit the White House website.
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