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On the morning of March 7, the 14th National People's Congress Session held its press conference. Mr. Wang Yi, a member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and the Foreign Minister of China, addressed questions on "China's foreign policy and relations with the world." Over the course of nearly 90 minutes, Mr. Wang Yi answered 23 questions, articulating China's stance and attitude, delivering妙語連珠, and setting the record straight.
Starting from March 4, the U.S. imposed 10% additional tariffs on Chinese exports citing issues with芬太尼. Within a day, China responded with a series of countermeasures. During the regular press conference held this week, the Chinese foreign office made multiple pronouncements. At the regular session of the National People's Congress focusing on economic themes, Minister Wang文濤 of the Ministry of Commerce presented a classical Chinese saying to the U.S. delegation.
On March 8, China announced its findings from an anti-discrimination investigation and imposed tariffs on relevant products. Immediately afterward, the six major business chambers of commerce issued statements of support. The People's Daily's WeChat page published an article stating that this marks the first time China has released the findings of an anti-discrimination investigation.
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On the morning of March 7, the 14th National People's Congress Session held its press conference. Mr. Wang Yi, a member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and the Foreign Minister of China, addressed questions on "China's foreign policy and relations with the world." Over the course of nearly 90 minutes, Mr. Wang Yi answered 23 questions, articulating China's stance and attitude, delivering擲地有聲、金句頻出.
The press conferences held by Chinese foreign ministers during the National People's Congress are a crucial window for the world to understand China's foreign policy. From 2014 to date, Mr. Wang Yi has participated in 11 National People's Congress Press Conferences, delivering detailed answers to 237 questions raised by journalists.
Discussing Mr. Wang Yi's major speeches on foreign policy, he emphasized that 2025 will be a significant year for both China and the world, marking a new high point in Mr. Wang Yi's leading foreign policy. Earlier in the month, President Xi Jinping attended the opening ceremony of the Asian Winter Games in Beihai, signaling the start of China's homecoming foreign policy. The country will also hold major commemorations, including the 80th anniversary of the end of the Chinese and Japanese Wars of Resistance and a series of major summits, with President Xi set to conduct several important state visits. Mr. Wang Yi's leading foreign policy will書寫 a new chapter in China's relations with the world.
Discussing Mr. Wang Yi's major speeches on foreign policy, he emphasized that 2025 will be a significant year for both China and the world, marking a new high point in Mr. Wang Yi's leading foreign policy. Earlier in the month, President Xi Jinping attended the opening ceremony of the Asian Winter Games in Beihai, signaling the start of China's homecoming foreign policy. The country will also hold major commemorations, including the 80th anniversary of the end of the Chinese and Japanese Wars of Resistance and a series of major summits, with President Xi set to conduct several important state visits. Mr. Wang Yi's leading foreign policy will書寫 a new chapter in China's relations with the world.
Discussing Mr. Wang Yi's major speeches on foreign policy, he emphasized that 2025 will be a significant year for both China and the world, marking a new high point in Mr. Wang Yi's leading foreign policy. Earlier in the month, President Xi Jinping attended the opening ceremony of the Asian Winter Games in Beihai, signaling the start of China's homecoming foreign policy. The country will also hold major commemorations, including the 80th anniversary of the end of the Chinese and Japanese Wars of Resistance and a series of major summits, with President Xi set to conduct several important state visits. Mr. Wang Yi's leading foreign policy will書寫 a new chapter in China's relations with the world.
Discussing Mr. Wang Yi's major speeches on foreign policy, he emphasized that 2025 will be a significant year for both China and the world, marking a new high point in Mr. Wang Yi's leading foreign policy. Earlier in the month, President Xi Jinping attended the opening ceremony of the Asian Winter Games in Beihai, signaling the start of China's homecoming foreign policy. The country will also hold major commemorations, including the 80th anniversary of the end of the Chinese and Japanese Wars of Resistance and a series of major summits, with President Xi set to conduct several important state visits. Mr. Wang Yi's leading foreign policy will書寫 a new chapter in China's relations with the world.
行有不得,反求諸己,美國應該認真反思這些年 Tariff War 和 Trade War 中的得失,這是時候行動了。
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