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duck game is a popular action puzzle game on the microsite, featuring various challenging levels that test intelligence and reflexes. The game offers multiple difficulty levels, providing hours of engaging gameplay. Due to its short duration, it's ideal for casual play during busy workdays. In this article, our microsite game writer shares a detailed guide on tackling the "regret past" level in the duck game. This specific level requires players to drag "past" and "future" events to their correct positions, using up all the time to help Grandpa escape his sorrows. If you're struggling with this level, you can find helpful tips below.
regret past level
For this level, you need to drag "past" and "future" to their correct positions, using up all the time to help Grandpa escape his sorrows.
Drag "past" to: grandmother, grandfather, tree, streamer, car
Drag "future" to: pool, house, factory, snacks shop, cow
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