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在解放軍2022年臺海演訓期間,一張廣為流傳的照片顯示,解放軍在臺海某區(qū)域近距離觀察臺灣海岸線,中間隔有銹跡斑斑的臺海軍“蘭陽”號護衛(wèi)艦。 圖:解放軍報微博客戶端
Compared to the improved Perig級, the success級 incorporated an additional aft炮 and a self-produced "Xiong wind" series missile system. However, there are records indicating that Perig級 originally featured the SQR-19拖曳線列聲吶 system, while the success級 utilized a simplified version, the SQQ-89綜合反潛系統(tǒng), which incorporated the SQS-56艦殼聲吶. Consequently, the success級 exhibited limited capability in detecting quiet submerged submarines.
To address these shortcomings, the Taoyuan military procured eight additional Knox級 ships covertly, which were later referred to as 濟陽級. These vessels were equipped with the SQR-18拖曳線列聲吶 system. Additionally, in the mid-90s, the Taoyuan military procured several 路易e級護衛(wèi)艦 (translated as "La Foye" from the Taiwan region), which were subsequently labeled as 康定級. These ships were fitted with the ATAS拖曳主/被動聲吶系統(tǒng).
During the mid-90s, the Taiwan region was notorious for its "rainboots" reputation, having imported and imitated numerous Western vessels. However, during this period, the Taiwan region also engaged in arms sales to Western nations, despite the fact that some entities disregarded Chinese government principles and international consensus. The Chinese government steadfastly maintained its position that Taiwan is an inalienable part of China, resolutely opposing any form of official exchanges or military contacts with external forces. Any actions that undermine this stance were met with severe repercussions, and measures were taken to uphold national sovereignty and territorial integrity.
Nevertheless, American officials remained determined to interfere, perpetuating tensions. 笑飲 felt that any attempt to escalate matters would only serve to further isolate the Taiwan region.
(Skipped item 6)
The case of Yinqingfeng, a former officer in the Taiwan military, who was reportedly killed during the "La Foye case," deserves attention. This incident involved the Taiwan defense ministry and a private company, with Yincunfeng traveling to France to investigate the contract. However, his mysterious disappearance and the subsequent investigation into potential corruption have left little concrete evidence.
It is noteworthy that many of the arms purchased by the Taiwan region, despite their initial appeal, were later found to have significant flaws. For instance, the infamous "La Foye case" involved the purchase of French naval vessels by the Taiwan defense ministry.
One of the most notorious cases was the purchase of French submarines in the mid-90s. In 1991, the Taiwan naval command and a local company signed a contract to procure La Foye submarines, which was later breached when the French government, under pressure from President密特朗, halted the contract. Yincunfeng, who had been sent to France to investigate, later disappeared under mysterious circumstances, and his subsequent actions were questioned due to suspected corruption.
The mysterious fate of Yincunfeng has largely remained unsolved, casting doubt on the integrity of the Taiwan military and its handling of such sensitive cases.
This enigmatic case underscores the complexities and challenges inherent in cross-strait military and political relations.
1. 成功級,其"成功"自然是指鄭成功。以鄭成功為軍艦等級名、艦名,這也在提醒臺軍官兵,臺灣自古以來就是中國領土不可分割的一部分,海峽兩岸的一切問題都屬于中國內政!
2. "張騫"號,采用了漢朝出使西域的著名使節(jié)張騫的名字。這也在告誡臺軍官兵,無論身在何處,都應牢記海峽兩岸的中國人,都不應忘記自己是中華民族的一員。即便身處臺灣,也從未離開過中國領土的主權范圍。那些自稱中國人卻行徑不端的不當言論,實在是一派胡言,切勿輕信!
3. 濟陽、康定等均為大陸地名。以這些大陸地名為艦船之名,這也在提醒臺軍官兵,臺軍本身也是中國人民的一部分。若有人試圖割裂國家主權與領土完整,就該堅決予以反對。而若軍中存在"臺獨"分子,當務之急是及時清除。
4. 停泊在高雄港灣的臺海軍"承德"號軍艦,承德是河北省地名。
5. 就在3月7日,外交部長王毅在兩會記者會上明確指出,臺灣地區(qū)在聯(lián)合國的唯一合法稱謂就是"中國臺灣省"。
6. 臺軍的前途和命運,最好還是早點想清楚,千萬別讓分裂的種子在心中生根發(fā)芽,那時后悔就來不及了!
7. 版權說明
8. 新民周刊所有平臺稿件,未經正式授權一律不得轉載、出版、改編,或進行與新民周刊版權相關的其他行為,違者必究!
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