- 修真世界探索,《想不想修真》寂靜地獄通關(guān)攻略
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Photo: Israel Foreign Minister Sareg (Source: CCTV News)
According to the local time of March 2, Israel Foreign Minister Sareg indicated that Israel is willing to engage in negotiations for the second phase of a ceasefire agreement with Hamas in exchange for the release of his country's detained personnel. However, if Hamas refuses to release these detained individuals, Israel will not participate in "unconditional" negotiations for the second phase of the ceasefire agreement. Mr. Niu Xin further elucidated the underlying meaning of Israel's so-called "unconditional" negotiations.
The first step is to block the entry of rescue supplies into Gaza, a measure that Israel has already begun implementing since March 2, local time. If Hamas continues to reject Israel's proposals in the near future, Israel's next step may involve restricting the movement of Gaza residents and relocating northern Gaza residents back to the south as part of preparatory measures for potential conflict. The third step is to cut off power supply in Gaza entirely. Of course, the fourth step could involve launching a large-scale war across the entire Gaza Strip.
The U.S. has been actively interfering
The巴以 conflict is deeply divided
U.S. National Security Advisor Rubio recently stated that the Trump administration has decided to revoke portions of武器embargoes under the Biden administration, using emergency powers to accelerate the provision of approximately $400 million in military aid to Israel. From Mr. Rubio's perspective, given the U.S. interference and the fundamental conflicting goals between the two sides, the outlook for the second phase of the ceasefire agreement negotiations in Gaza appears bleak.
Based on the current situation, it is highly unlikely that the U.S. and Israel will reach an agreement on the second phase of the ceasefire negotiations. As a result, the U.S. and Israel have proposed a transitional solution — delaying the first phase of the ceasefire agreement.
Why is Israel unwilling to begin negotiations for the second phase? The reason is that the U.S. and Israel's objectives are to completely eliminate Hamas before agreeing to end the war and have Israel's forces withdraw from Gaza. Hamas, on the other hand, insists on requiring Israel to end the war first to ensure its survival, leading to a sharp divergence in stance between the two sides. The negotiations have been particularly difficult over the past year due to the fact that their objectives are deeply opposed.
Interviewee: Xu Lan
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