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(原標題:The tariffs imposed by the People's Republic of China on a portion of Canadian imports will take effect on March 20, 2024)
A diagram showing the tariffs being adjusted is featured in the article.
The People's Republic of China has announced, via the office of the State Council關稅稅則委員會, that starting October 1, 2024, a 100% tariff will be imposed on electric vehicles imported from Canada; and starting October 22, 2024, a 25% tariff will also be applied to steel and aluminum products from Canada. Such unilateral tariff measures by Canada contravening objective facts and the fundamental principles of the World Trade Organization, amount to discrimination against the Chinese side and severely infringe upon the legitimate rights and interests of the Chinese side, thereby severely damaging the economic relations between Canada and China.
In accordance with the legal statutes and regulations of the People's Republic of China, including《中華人民共和國關稅法》,《中華人民共和國海關法》, and《中華人民共和國對外貿(mào)易法》, as well as the basic principles of international law, with the consent of the State Council, the People's Republic of China has decided, via the office of the State Council關稅稅則委員會, to impose tariffs of 100% on imported sunflower oil, oil cake, peas, and 25% on water products and pork imports from Canada, starting March 20, 2025. The Chinese side strongly urges Canada to view the bilateral trade relations rationally, to respect objective facts, to adhere to the basic principles of the World Trade Organization, and to promptly correct its erroneous measures.
The China Ministry of Commerce has published a ruling on the anti-discrimination investigation into Canada's related restrictive measures.
On March 8, 2024, the China Ministry of Commerce published a ruling on the anti-discrimination investigation into Canada's related restrictive measures.
According to the provisions of《中華人民共和國對外貿(mào)易法》, specifically Article 7, Section 36, and Section 37, the China Ministry of Commerce, acting as the調(diào)查機關 (Investigation Agency), issued the 商務部第2024年第40號公告 (Commercial Ministry 2024 No. 40 Notice) on September 26, 2024, initiates an anti-discrimination investigation into measures imposed by Canada on certain electric vehicles and steel and aluminum products from China, which are referred to as the measures under investigation.
The調(diào)查機關 investigated whether the measures under investigation constituted discrimination under the provisions of Article 7 of《中華人民共和國對外貿(mào)易法》, i.e., prohibitions, restrictions, or other similar measures that discriminate in trade. Based on the findings of the investigation and the provisions of the law, the調(diào)查機關 has made the following determination:
The investigation agency has determined that the measures under investigation by Canada constitute discrimination against the Chinese side as defined in Article 7 of《中華人民共和國對外貿(mào)易法》, impairing normal trade order and causing severe negative impacts on the Chinese side.
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